Sunday, September 11, 2016

Labor Day in Breck

We spent Labor Day weekend up in Breckenridge.  We didn't do too much, because it's usually crowded, but it is nice to get away.  We did go to town for the annual rubber ducky race in the Blue River.  You can buy a rubber duck, and it gets thrown in a big bin.  The ducks are dumped into the river, and the first 57 ducks downstream got prizes (there were 800+ entries).  Sadly, we didn't win, but it was a beautiful day.
The picture on the left is Bode and me at the "finish line" which was just a temporary bridge built across the river.  The people wading in the water had to have been cold, because that wasn't is anything but warm.  Also, I don't like the above picture of me, because it looks like I have a gut.  I've started running (a lot) again to correct this problem :-)

On Saturday night, we watched the Auburn-Clemson game.  Auburn lost.  I have no more words on this matter.

On Sunday, we recovered our spirits and headed to the rec-center.  We had an awesome time.  Ashley and Bode tried their hands at the climbing wall.  We were impressed that Bode went as high as he did, because he usually gets a little scared when he gets too high.  Ashley also impressed us but completing a 5.9 rated climb (if you don't know rock-climbing, just google it).
We also swam, but didn't get any pictures.  The coolest part was the pool has this rope you can swing from and drop into the water.  Bode didn't want to do it at first; once he did it, he didn't do anything else the rest of the day.

We also did the usual things while in Breck--chopped and stacked wood, did some home-maintenance, and we also sat in the hot-tub.  We came home on Monday, and started back to work and school on Tuesday.  Sadly, no holidays until Thanksgiving for me (UCCS does have class on Columbus Day and Veteran's Day--what's up with that???)

Pleasant week to all.

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