Monday, May 23, 2016

The Garden

I have started another growing season.  I was excited because back in March, I got my bird-net all situated.  It was a thing of beauty...until we had a real heavy snow.  The snow stuck to and ultimately collapsed my bird net.  I was able to salvage some of it, but it's no where near as neat and orderly as it once was.  Still, as long as it keeps the birds away, I'm happy.

I started a lot of plants indoors towards the end of March to the beginning of April.  Corn will grow just about anywhere.  I'm hoping to have about a 30-day head-start compared to last year.  Recall, I only got a few good ears of corn.  With this early planting, I'm hopeful to get some good ears.  I put some corn in the garden over the weekend...
but it was fairly windy, and some of the stalks broke.  Apparently, there isn't much wind inside our home to get them acclimated such that they are wind-proof.  Thus, I kept the remaining corn inside until the winds die down.
I'm also keeping some honeydew and watermelon inside until 1 June.  You just can't trust the weather here.  I started these the beginning of April.  When I planted starting outside, the largest watermelon I got was the size of a grape.  Here's hoping the extra 45 days results in real-sized melons.
I planted lettuce, carrots, broccoli, onions, and some peas in early April.  All survived the winter and are growing strong.
The box on the left has some potatoes.  I figured if The Martian could grow potatoes on Mars, I should be able to grow them in my garden.  I also started pumpkins and cucumbers inside, and have since transplanted them to the outdoors.  I think one cucumber died in the process, but the rest seem to have survived.
The two raspberry plants we planted last year have survived and are taking over.  I look forward to a good fruitful harvest (maybe next year).
I also have some store-bought tomato plants that I will put in the garden in the next couple of days.  I also planted beans, lima beans, more peas, and some sunflowers.  I'm excited to see what grows :-)  I'm also very excited that my three fruit trees survived the winter.  It will be a number of years before they provide any fruit, but I think they are now established.  The top one is a pear tree while the two on the left are apple trees.
I will keep you all posted (I know you can't wait) as the various fruits and veggies come to harvest.  Pleasant day to all.

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