Sunday, November 15, 2015

Bode's Birthday Party

Today we celebrated Bode's birthday with a party at Skyline (trampoline world) with some of his friends from school.  Granted, he doesn't turn eight for a couple weeks, but we figured no one would be around the Saturday after Thanksgiving, so it was best to hold the party today.  We arrived early, and Bode was anxious to start jumping.  He did pause for two sweet pictures with Mommy.
There were seven kids that came--Teddy and Charlie (Bode's cousins), Tylen (Bode's best friend at school), Ethan, Donovan, and Jocelyn; Grammy and Uncle Dave also came, and it was great to have the family there.  Tylen's little sister also jumped with the crew, and we think she had a nice time.  None of us adults wanted to jump--normally we'd be out there, but it was fairly crowded, and I don't think any of us wanted to risk a trip to the emergency room.  Lacey, Tyler's Mom, had her thumb dislocated the last time she came to Skyzone--evidently those light-weight dodgeballs can do some damage.  After the kids jumped around for an hour, it was time for ice cream cake and some presents.  We, of course, had to sing for Bode:
Bode then opened the gifts his friends brought.  Here are some action photos.
Bode said he had a great time at the party.  Hard to believe the little dude is turning eight years old :-) Pleasant week to all.

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