Monday, May 25, 2015

The Blue River

While the weather wasn't spectacular, it was nice enough to take the kids exploring.  We headed down the incline behind our house, and set out in search of the river.  Granted, I'd scouted the path the day before, so it wasn't like we were heading out into the wild or anything crazy like that.  Still, we did see a large pile of moose droppings, and Ashley also saw some moose prints.  Thus, even though we were only a quarter mile from home, we felt like we were in the wild.  After a bit of walking, we found the Blue River.  Bode and Devin paused for a picture in front of the raging torrent of water.
I'm not sure if you can tell in this next picture, but that large pile of wooden sticks is a large beaver dam.  I was very impressed by what beavers can do.  They created a nice beaver pond on the other side of their domicile.
We decided to investigate, and headed closer to check it out.  In the below picture, you get a better look at why the expression, "as busy as a beaver" came to be.  The beavers managed to significantly alter the flow of the river.  Very cool.
Ashley and I found a nice little bench to sit while the kids engaged in the most awesomest activity known to kids near rivers and rocks:  throwing rocks into the river and making splashes.  Hours of entertainment :-)
Today is Memorial Day.  We headed back to Colorado Springs, and are now awaiting the arrival of Pat and Dana.  They are going to take Bode to Albuquerque with them.  He'll spend a week down there, relaxing and enjoying a life of leisure.  We'll probably do the same--maybe even go and see a movie that is about something other than Legos, Avengers, or Maleficent.  Pleasant week to all.

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