Saturday, November 29, 2014

Seven Years Old

Happy Belated Thanksgiving to everyone.  We've had a wonderful week.  Ashley had a birthday on Thanksgiving.  She celebrated by cooking a turkey and all sorts of side dishes, and even made some great desserts, whipping up a carmel pound cake and an apple pie.  Her brother, David, nephews Teddy and Charlie, and my Mom came over for the feast.  We had dinner around 1 pm, and then spent the rest of the day digesting.  I think the boys played on the Xbox--Minecraft, Plants vs Zombies, and maybe some Lego Star Wars.  When the boys went to bed, we watched Catching Fire, which was surprisingly decent.  Sadly, I didn't have the camera out, and failed to get pictures of anything.

Friday morning, we woke up sort of early, and hungry.  Ashley continued her role as chef and made pancakes and bacon (with an assist from Dave, who went to the store).  Bode was anxious to open his birthday presents.  He really hauled in a lot of loot; you'd think it was Christmas.
He got all sorts of things--some board games, a radio, some clothes, a DVD, and two powerful nerf guns.  And when I say powerful, I mean they actually hurt if you get hit (well, sting is probably a better word, but Bode really whines when I shoot him).  Below is a movie of Bode opening one of his guns.
Following a relaxing morning, Bode, Dave, Teddy, Charlie, and I went to the Air Force vs Colorado State football game.  It was a beautiful day--we probably could have worn shorts, but we knew it'd get colder as the game wore on.  Before the game, there was a C-17 fly-by.  First, a still photo.
Next is a movie.  Bode thought the plane was going to crash into the press-box; little Dude's depth perception is slightly off :-)
Before the game, I had to get Bode something to snack on.  He pays a lot more attention to the game if he has kettle corn; hence, we got a large, which lasted until almost halftime.  I, of course, had a few handfuls.
Our seats weren't the best.  We thought we'd be able to move to some empty ones, forgetting Colorado State has a lot of local fans.  They really packed the stadium.  Bode, Teddy, and Charlie sort of watched the game, but they spent much of it playing (which isn't a huge surprise).  Here's a shot where they were surprisingly sedentary.
At halftime, we headed out to the parking lot.  Dave's friend, Josh, had brought some refreshments.  The boys took the opportunity to play an impromptu game of football.
Bode and I left early, not so much as to beat traffic.  We caught the end of the game on TV, and Air Force amazingly won. To Bode's surprise, we had the below cake (no, Ashley didn't make this one).
And we certainly can't have a birthday post without us singing Happy Birthday.
Ashley and Bode had wonderful birthdays.  We can't believe he's already seven.  We go back to work/school on Monday, but we are all anxious for a prolonged break over Christmas.  Pleasant week to all!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Bode's School

Unlike last year, which has a Kindergarten Holiday Recital, there was no such group activity for the Keller Elementary First Graders.  I think the second and third graders have something, but the first graders were sort of left out.  Thus, Bode's teacher put together a little Thanksgiving event.  It started at 1:00 pm, so I had to leave work early (darn).  I got there late, so I didn't have a great seat, and it's hard to cram 20+ adults and 20+ kids into a first-grade classroom.  This first picture shows where Bode was standing--he's on the far right leaning up against the desk.
The kids all sang some songs and recited some Thanksgiving trivia.
They also came to the front of the room in groups of three and told a joke.  The jokes were actually quite funny and all were Thanksgiving related.  Below is Bode's group.
In case you couldn't tell, the joke was, "What is Superturkey's real name?" and the whole class says, "We don't know."  "Cluck Kent."  They sang some other songs, which were interesting, but if you've seen one, you can probably imagine what the others sound like :-) They all finished by introducing themselves and taking a bow.
Afterwards, there were cookies and snacks.  I hung out with Bode and his friends for close to 40 minutes.  I was in my uniform, which seems to attract kids to me, and I had to field all sorts of questions. One little guy didn't remember my name, so he just kept calling me soldier.  Very cute.

Three more days until the big Iron Bowl.  Ashley is already pacing.  It will be impossible to match last year's game; a win would be a wonderful end to the season, but Auburn has unravelled these past two weeks.  Here's hoping they can pull it together for one more game.  Pleasant Turkey Day to all.

Bode's Birthday Bash

Alliteration is such a good device to use when titling a post.  We recently celebrated Bode's seventh birthday.  We celebrated early because Bode's birthday is the day after Thanksgiving (and the day after Ashley's--I better go get her something).  He wanted to have a party, and we figured attendance would be minimal if we waited until this Friday (Black Friday).  Thus, on 16 November, Bode had his birthday celebration.  We did the party at the same place we did last year.  This was not our choice.  When planning the party, we threw out all sorts of suggestions--Trampoline World, Bouncy House World, etc.  We didn't even mention Aerials.  At some point, Bode says, "What about that place we did it at last year?" We sort of brushed him off, but he kept bringing it up.  Rather than forcing him to have his party at some other place, we were good parents (pushovers) and acquiesced.  Below are some action photos.  First up we have Bode, Brenna, and Rylan in the big swing.
Next we have Bode coming off of the big slide.
Here's a shot of all the kiddos getting ready to go to the next station.  I think the names of all the kids are (from left-to-right) Rylan, Levi, Daniel, Lexi, Jocelyn, Brenna, Kennedy, and Donovan.
There was a zip-line...
and lots of jumping into the big foam pit.
After 45 minutes of play-time, the kids were ready for cake and ice cream.  We, of course, had to sing.
Afterwards, the kids...and the adults...enjoyed some cupcakes and socializing.
Bode said he had a great time at his party, and we appreciate everyone that came.  Even though he had a party, complete with snacks and ice cream, Bode has informed us he expects a cake on his real birthday.  Funny how this works :-)  We are both off today (the Wednesday before Thanksgiving).  Bode doesn't have school either, so we might try to see the new penguins movie.  We probably should go to the gym and work off some calories prior to tomorrow's feast.  Pleasant day to all.

Saturday, November 1, 2014


We hope everyone had a great Halloween.  Bode dressed up as Darth Maul, and his costume was pretty cool.  Ashley dressed up as some type of blue-haired girl.  I'm not exactly sure who she was, but it was a pretty nifty looking costume.  Bode's school had a carnival last weekend, and the kids were encouraged to wear their costumes.  Ashley and I volunteered to work the carnival, so Ashley dressed up too.  Below is a picture.
Note how pretty the weather is.  Halloween, while nice, was a little cooler, evidenced by Ashley's jacket and hat.  Here's Bode going up to our neighbor's house.
The night was a big success--lots of candy and other sweets for all of us (err, I mean Bode).  Speaking of Bode, he has been taking a lot of pictures of the dogs.  Here are some cute ones.
Joey and Harley are doing very well.  Joey is a bit rambunctious when people come to the house, but he really is a sweet dog.  I'm hoping he calms down, but I have heard boxers are high-energy.

Bode had his last football game of the season.  I think they ended up in third place, out of eight teams, which is amazing.  They had two games (today included) where Bode's team scored on the very last play.  They had one player--Jace--that was just a stud (he's on Bode's right in the below picture).
I was doing a great job of recording the plays today, because I was hoping to get Bode doing something great.  On the play I don't, he scored, and I didn't start recording until the middle of the play.  Still, it's pretty neat seeing my offspring do well on the grid-iron.
Bode has also continued his swimming.  I am amazed at how fast he is.  His endurance can be improved, but he is only six...
Many of you (none of you) have asked how the garden project is going.  I'm happy to say a sprinkler system is now installed, I'm installed two of the four boxes, and have been busy moving dirt to level the surfaces.  Plus, the fencing is complete, meaning those pesky dogs can't get in.  Below is the latest picture.
Note the three trees on the far right.  We planted those early in the summer, and amazingly, they are still alive.  I'm doing my best to water them this fall and winter.  Here's hoping.  There's snow in the forecast for Monday, but I doubt we'll get any.  It's been quite mild--figures since we bought ski passes.  Pleasant week to all.