Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Kindergarten Recital

The kindergarten classes at Helen Keller Elementary gave their final recital.  I won't overhype the event and say how awesome it was, but it did have its entertaining points.  It cracks me up how the kiddos will sing a verse, and then it's rather quiet at the start of the next verse because most have forgotten the lines.  However, once reminded, the volume quickly ratchets up a few notches.  Before the start of the program, I took this picture.  Ashley quietly shook her head--she was doing the math to figure out how old we'll be when Bode graduates high school :-)
Next, the kids entered the gymnasium.  Bode is always very sweet and waves to us.  He is the one in the plaid shirt if you can't tell.
They sang some songs, which were good fun.  Below is the Itsy Bitsy Spider.
After the program, there was a reception in Bode's class.  The kids ate some cookies and ran around playing.  We took the time to snap some pictures.  Here's Bode with Mrs. Foster, the teacher's helper.
Here is Bode with Miss Sandoval.  This was her first year teaching, and she did an amazing job.  Hopefully all his teachers are like her (and no, I don't just mean young and attractive).
We also took some pictures of Bode with his classmates.  Here's Bode with his buddy, Louis.
And some general rowdiness with a large group of the younglings.
Finally, Bode brought home a scrap-book with different assignments throughout the year.  It included a side-by-side comparison of Bode's handwriting from the first writing assignment on the first day to the last writing assignment.  It's an amazing improvement.
Our little guy has one more day in kindergarten.  Then, he'll be a first-grader...and right after that, in college :-(  Pleasant week to all.

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