We think the boulders go well with the existing landscape. Note Harley in the middle right, above the patio. Next from the side:
There are two levels. We only own two outdoor chairs, so for now, the lower tier might be made into a level for large potted plants. We're still figuring that out. Next is a picture looking behind the patio at a place I call Harley's perch.
See the bare dirt area under Harley? That is the future location of a potential fireplace (or more rock, depending on the debt situation). Next is a picture of the patio from Harley's perch. Obviously Harley and I switched positions. We have a lovely view from here.
Our backyard needs a little work. It's just one big dirt field, thanks to the heavy machinery used to move the stones around. Ashley and I think we can do something nice with the landscape--maybe a garden, maybe a sandbox for Bode, maybe a waterfall (that debt ceiling again). We've plenty of time to figure it out, as winter is approaching, so we won't be doing much for the next few months.
Bode has been taking skating lessons. He's getting pretty good. Here's a video of Bode learning to go backwards. I think it's simply a lot of rump-shaking. He's better than me at going backwards.
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