Sunday, September 8, 2013

First Lost Tooth

We've had a great week.  Early Labor Day morning, I ran in the America Discovery Trail 1/2 marathon.  Below is a picture of me approaching the finish line.  At least I look halfway decent...
A lot of runners' families are there at the finish, cheering them on.  Bode and Ashley were in bed :-)  The race started at 0630 Monday morning, which is an early wake up for the rest of Team McGuirk.  I ran well.  My time was 1:32:37, and I finished 14th out of 451 runners.  I was thrilled to get second (out of thirty) in the 40 - 44 year group.  I guess that is one good thing about getting older--slower times for everyone :-)

After the race, I was ready to spend the day walking around in 95-degree heat, so we headed down to the state fair in Pueblo.  There was this pretty cool sand castle, if you can call it a castle--more like sand art, but cool nonetheless.
Bode and Mommy rode the Ferris wheel.  I thought four bucks a person was a bit high, so I opted out.
The part Ashley and I like most about any fair is the animals (probably because that part is free).  Here are Mommy and Bode looking at some rabbits.  I love the expression on Ashley's face.
There was a milking demonstration.  Normally, if you ask me to go grab some titties, I'm the first one in the pool.  Not so much here.
There was a little petting area.  Here's Bode with a little puppy on his lap.
Finally, we saw this big pig and her little piglets.  Kinda reminded me of the new health care laws...
We had a lovely weekend.  The Auburn team won another one, so they are an impressive 2-0.  Air Force did not do well, nor did the Steelers, but if Ashley's happy, we are all happy.  Bode is especially ecstatic because today, he lost his first tooth.  His tooth started getting loose on Thursday.  He would not let me near it until today.  We were walking home with Harley and I asked him if I could pull it out.  He simply said, "Sure."  We rushed home, got the camera and some tissues, and away we went.  It wasn't near as dramatic as I thought it would be.
The tooth is already under Bode's pillow, anxiously awaiting the arrival of the tooth fairy.  Does anyone know her number?  Pleasant week to all.

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