Sunday, August 11, 2013

Almost a Shark

Bode has really progressed with his swim lessons.  We started in January--I think it was the first post of this year.  We started the lessons because Bode didn't like putting his face in the water, and any attempt by Ashley or me to teach him to swim was met with shrieks and cries.  Fast-forward eight months, and we have a boy who can swim the entire length of the pool (sort of--it is a combination of freestyle aka rainbow arms with some side-stroke to take breaths), has gone the entire length of the pool doing the back stroke, and is starting to learn the butterfly and breast strokes.  Amazing.  Here are some pictures from today's lesson.  First, Bode making a goofy face.
Next, we have Miss Alyssa working with Bode on the proper position of his arms during the butterfly.
This movie shows Bode's progress doing butterfly.  Don't expect anything Phelpsian--he's still learning, but after the first stroke, he really gets his body doing the correct motion.
Bode finished the lesson with an introduction to frog-kicks.  I think it will take awhile for him to get good at the breast stroke because there are complicated motions for both the arms and legs.  Miss Alyssa calls the different arm positions stages of a pizza-making operation--spread the sauce, put the pizza in the oven, etc.  We'll have to work on this at home.  He needs two more stickers in his progress book, and he'll be an official shark.  Too bad shark week just ended on Discovery.  After a hard lesson, it was play time.
Ashley and I are busy at work.  Ashley always seems to have a lot to do, while classes have started up again for the cadets.  Thus, we must take advantage of our weekends.  We took Bode to see Planes today, which he loved.  We also did some yard work yesterday, and just relaxed.  I also went for a nice long run this morning.  Afterward long runs, I like to sit in a cold bath to cool down and soothe the muscles.  Today, I discovered it is possible to spend too much time in the cold bath.  After I got out, I went to the grocery store.  I could not warm up--teeth were chattering and I was shivering (it was 80+ degrees outside).  I was fine after I rode home in the car with the heater on high.  Live and learn I guess :-)  Pleasant week to all.

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