Sunday, December 2, 2012

Bode's Birthday Party

Bode's birthday party was yesterday.  We partied at Skateland, which was a lot of fun, after the initial, "I can't do this!" part.  His cousins, Teddy and Charlie came down from Denver, along with Nana and Papa, and Grammy.  Here are some random pictures of us skating around the rink.  Before continuing, let me assure you despite a number of falls, there were no injuries :-)  First up is a shot of fearless Charlie.
This little guy had no hesitation about anything.  He just grabbed the supporting walker, and away he went.  Next is Teddy.
Yes, the kiddos could fall even when using "no-falling" devices.  Here's a nice one of Bode and Mommy.
Bode didn't like the walker at first, but after awhile, he really started to get the hang of it.  His buddies, Rylan and Brenna, were also there.  Here is one of Bode playing with Rylan.
Here's a movie after Bode had gotten some vital skating experience.
We also had plenty of pizza and ice-cream.

And, of course, we sang (poorly) to the birthday boy.  I am not including that video because I was closest to the microphone and my voice dominates, which doesn't make the song pleasing to the ear.  You will have to be content with a picture.
We had a lovely time at Bode's party.  Afterwards, we went home.  Teddy, Charlie, Nana, and Papa stayed the night.  Nana and Papa were nice enough to baby sit, and let Ashley and I go to the Bond movie.  It was good--too much shirtless Daniel Craig for my taste (Ashley drools over him).  Otherwise, very entertaining.  Everyone has left, so our house is back to just the three of us (and, not surprisingly, a bit quieter :-)  Ashley is traveling to DC this week, so it will be me, Bode, and Harley.  Pleasant week to all!

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