Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Pony Ride and Carriage Hill

A mighty War Eagle! to everyone from the greater Dayton Metropolitan area. There is a buzz in the air at our house (no, we don't have a bee problem). It's almost FOOTBALL SEASON! The Auburn Tigers are in the low 20's in most of the preseason polls, which is high enough to get Ashley excited but not too high where the team might get a collective swelled head. First game is September 4 against Arkansas High, I mean State. Arkansas State. Yes, it's not a typo. Let's call this a warm up game (hopefully I haven't jinxed them...)

Saturday, we went to one of the Metro Parks in the Dayton area. We've been amazed by the quality of the parks ...but then again, we were also amazed at the real estate taxes. It's nice to see the money is going to a good cause. First up was a pony ride. Here's Bode with his helmet...not sure if you recall a similar picture from February 2010 when Bode went ice skating (which didn't turn out so well...)
Fortunately Bode loves riding ponies, so we didn't have to worry about a melt down. Here are some action photos of Bode on his steed.
After the pony ride, we went to Carriage Hill. This is a "working farm" from the 1880's. Volunteers staff the various parts of to give it an authentic feel. There were barns and sheds with 19th century tools. Here's a shot of Bode working the manual pump to bring up water from the well.
We then proceeded to check out some of the animals. There were hens and a big rooster...
some sheep that were trying to stay cool (it was blazing hot)...
a little baby horse that was about five weeks old...
and, of course, a moo-cow.
We also paused to play on a big tree. I was able to get Bode to stand still for a few seconds to snap a father-son picture. The photo also shows off his little gut, which seems to be getting smaller as he gets taller...but you aren't going to be washing clothes on it.
We do not have any major plans for this week. We have again failed to win the lottery, resulting in us having to continue to work, which takes up the bulk of our days. We are spending more time with Bode-man in the bathroom, as his interest in the potty has taking an upswing. He's starting to use it, but it's still very early going (i.e. we're not buying underwear just yet...)

Pleasant week to all.


Dan & Marilyn said...

Hi Jeff, Ashley, Bodie and Auburn. I hadn't seen your chronicles for quite a while, and have been mesmerized for the past hour. Looks like you had a great vacation. I was most interested in Auburn. How is the Auburn doing? I'm so sorry to hear about her leg. Sounds like you are doing the one thing I would certainly do, give treatment. Bodie is really growing, what a little man!! Congrats to you, Jeff, also on your new rank. You were just a little Captain when you lived here. Wow!! Now LT COL. How much longer are you in Ohio? I know -- too many questions. My kids get on to me too.
We are doing good. I'm sub-teaching assistant for School District 11, volunteering at St Francis Medical Center (a new 6 floor hospital out on East Powers Blvd) and still working around the house. Our garden kinda went to pot this year, pot as in did not plant anything except our grapevines. (Didn't want you to get the wrong idea). Dan is on oxygen most of the time, he can't work out in the garden as he did a few years ago. He has that COPD and trying to cope. We had all the family here for July 4, had a great time. Oh - looks like Kay and Lee are getting a divorce. As you know, Bruce & Susan did. We are right in the middle. The people in the back in your old house are still there. They put up a smart white picket fence, as they have at Lowes or Home Depot, around the patio to give some privacy, and a new roof last week. They keep it up very well. I hope you get this message. I know it's quite long, so I will try and send it. More later-----Dan and Marilyn

Dan & Marilyn said...

Hi Jeff, Ashley, Bodie and Auburn. I hadn't seen your chronicles for quite a while, and have been mesmerized for the past hour. Looks like you had a great vacation. I was most interested in Auburn. How is the Auburn doing? I'm so sorry to hear about her leg. Sounds like you are doing the one thing I would certainly do, give treatment. Bodie is really growing, what a little man!! Congrats to you, Jeff, also on your new rank. You were just a little Captain when you lived here. Wow!! Now LT COL. How much longer are you in Ohio? I know -- too many questions. My kids get on to me too.
We are doing good. I'm sub-teaching assistant for School District 11, volunteering at St Francis Medical Center (a new 6 floor hospital out on East Powers Blvd) and still working around the house. Our garden kinda went to pot this year, pot as in did not plant anything except our grapevines. (Didn't want you to get the wrong idea). Dan is on oxygen most of the time, he can't work out in the garden as he did a few years ago. He has that COPD and trying to cope. We had all the family here for July 4, had a great time. Oh - looks like Kay and Lee are getting a divorce. As you know, Bruce & Susan did. We are right in the middle. The people in the back in your old house are still there. They put up a smart white picket fence, as they have at Lowes or Home Depot, around the patio to give some privacy, and a new roof last week. They keep it up very well. I hope you get this message. I know it's quite long, so I will try and send it. More later-----Dan and Marilyn

August 19, 2010 2:53 PM