Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Fair

Happy Labor Day weekend to everyone. Hopefully you've done anything but. We've been laboring our a*ses off. Saturday morning, Ashley and I ran in the Alterfest 5K run (3.1 miles for you non-runners). It was a beautiful morning--cool and low humidity. We both did very well--Ashley finished 4th out of 16 in her age group (47th overall out of 127 runners). I finished 3rd overall and ran a personal best time. Before you think this is more impressive than it is, I must say there is another local 5K race tomorrow morning. This race typically draws 500+ people, and most of the fast ones at that. So my third place is kind of like the bronze medal at the Goodwill Games :-)

The mighty Auburn Tigers started the season off with a bang last night, beating up on a resilent Louisiana Tech team. Auburn played well the first half, but a critical fumble and a lack of pass rush made half-time at the McGuirk home an unhappy time. Fortunately, Auburn turned it on in the second half, and even had an 85-yard TD pass. Final score 37-13. Yea!!! Thus, Ashley has been in a good mood for the first time since the Bush administration on a Sunday during football season.

Today we went to the Montgomery County Fair. We went early before the crowds (freaky hicks) showed up. We walked through all the animal pens, which Bode loved. He was able to pet a bunch of them, although we encouraged him not to try to pet the chickens and roosters. Here are some photos. First, here's Bode with a sheered lamb.Next here is Bode and one large pig.This little goat was happy to let Bode give him (or her) or nice rub.Bode, one hot chick (aka Ashley), and some chickens.
Finally, here's Bode trying to pet a horse.After the fair, we went up to Alterfest, which is a carnival/fund-raiser for Alter High School, a local Catholic School. It's an impressive event, complete with rides, bands (good ones), beer (yes, beer--Catholic, remember?) and...gambling? Yes, gambling. I don't know how this is legal, but there are a bunch of black-jack tables, poker, and a Texas hold'em tournament (winner gets $3,000). And no, it wasn't play-money, or money for tickets. Real money (and lots of it--it certainly wasn't one-dollar bills being played). They also had a roullette type game. What surprised me most (other than the booze and gambling) was that kids were allowed to bet on roullete. Bets were typically a buck, but sometimes there were two or even three dollar bets down on a number. Now, I'm not against gambling, booze (those under 21 weren't allowed to drink), or even strippers (those college girls gotta earn a living ya know). What I don't understand is how this is all legal. What sort of permit do I need to fill out in order to get gambling legalized and have my own little Bellagio here at Casa McGuirk?

Ashley took Bode on one of the rides at Alterfest. It was a big slide. Ashley carried him up a bunch of stairs, and the two of them sat of a large rug and slid down. It was probably twenty feet up and sort of steep but not dangerous. Bode loved it. After the ride, he goes running for the stairs, wanting to do it again, much like he does for the slide at the park. We tried to explain it to him that each ride is $5.00 ($2.50 for him, $2.50 for Ashley). This didn't sit well with him, so we had to drag him away from the slide. If I were a better gambler, I would've won some money and paid for a day of sliding. As it is, we left Alterfest and stopped off at a park on the way home. The slide wasn't as good, but Bode still had a great time.

I'm sure we'll all sleep well tonight. Pleasant Sunday.

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