Sunday, August 9, 2009

It's Football Season!

Well, sort of. I flipped on TV and saw the first preseason NFL game is on. I can't really get into the preseason NFL games. Sure, I'll watch the Steelers...for the first quarter. Once the starters come out, I lose interest. This year, the actual season should be lots of fun. I joined my first fantasy football league. I sure hope it's everything I've ever dreamed it would be (I really need to work on my dream choices :-) I imagine I'll be soundly defeated because my intention is to let Bode help me decide my weekly roster.

Ashley is starting to get nervous about the upcoming Auburn season. The night sweats have started, and sometimes I hear her whimpering in her sleep about the evil Nick Satan, err, Saban. Once she woke up screaming about not knowing how to defend the little jump pass from Tim Tebow. My wife is certainly strange. Speaking of strange, check out these two idiots.
There really should be some sort of certification required before allowing someone to purchase a digital camera.

It's been hot here. Real hot. Ashley was tempted to break out the thongs, but I told her it wasn't yet hot enough for me to wear one (temps would have to be like those on Venus for that to ever happen). We should have gone to the pool to beat the heat, but instead, we went to the new outlet stores in Monroe (not that anyone outside of Dayton knows where that is--about 20 miles from our house). It was a lot like other outlet malls I've been to. I've noticed that everything in every store is always marked down or on sale. When is something not on sale?

Bode is great. He got a haircut this weekend (actually, he got them all cut, ha ha). Here are a couple pictures taken on the porch. First, we have Bode in some sort of action pose. Yes, he is one solid little dude.Too bad it's so hot here. Bode was ready to do some snow-shovelling. Give it few months, son.
Nothing else really going on. However, I must get up on my soap-box (only briefly) and say this. If you're in the men's locker room, I believe it's just good etiquette to yield the right-of-way to the naked guy. Otherwise, a gross encounter of the worst kind can ensue. And, as Forrest would say, "That's all I have to say about that."

Bode has really started to enjoy story time before bed. Every night we read to him, and he seems to love it. In fact, there is no greater joy than when your son says, "Soory Daddy?" while carrying his favorite book.
Pleasant week to all.

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