Sunday, June 21, 2009

So Much to Tell

Has it really only been fifteen days since my last post? Much has happened since then. Therefore, we will dispense with the normal prologue and get right into action. We had another first in the life of B. McGuirk. This one, not so good, as it was our first emergency room visit, and you can blame Daddy for this one. Bode and I were at the book store. There are all sorts of cool toys, books, and displays. Bode's favorite? The water fountain. Yes, he's easily amused. This water fountain has a little step-stool that Bode can use, so he's able to actually see the water come out as he's pressing the lever. Words cannot describe how exciting it is to watch, especially for any length of time. After five minutes (aka an eternity), I decided it was time to go, so I picked Bode up. Screams and yelps ensued because he did not want to leave. I carried him to some chairs, where we sat down. Bode immediately slides off the chair and makes a break for it (still crying). I grabbed onto his arm and held him in place. He continued to yell and scream, so I scooped him up and carried him out of the store. When I set him down, he contined screaming but was now holding his arm. At that point, I realized the little guy may be hurt. I took him home and gave him some lunch (he screams just as loud when he's hungry). He ate between sobs, and when he couldn't use him arm to pick up his milk, we knew there was trouble. We took him to the ER. Doc diagonosed the injury as "nurse-maid's elbow," which, I've learned, is fairly common. If you hold a young child by the wrist, said child may writhe around trying to escape, not realizing he will dislocate ligaments and other parts integral to a functioning elbow. They took x-rays, felt around his arm, and gave him a drink of grape-flavored motrin. We got him home, he took a 3-hour nap, and when he woke up, it was like nothing had happened. However, I felt horrible, but did cheer up some when my brother Pat informed me he had a similar incident with his daughter (Brenna). Evidently the McGuirk boys need to take a parenting class...

The weather has been hot and humid but not unbearable. We've been spending some time on the patio after dinner. Bode's a big help with the yard work. Here he is carrying the water bucket (albeit minus the water). House full of toys? Not interested. But give him snow shovel and spout and he's entertained for hours...Here's a shot of Ashley and Auburn, also enjoying the patio. The temperature must have only been in the low 80's because Ashley is still wearing pants.We were robbed! We came home from work the other day. Here is what our living room looked like.
Only kidding; we weren't robbed. Rather, we got new carpet! We had to move all the furniture ourselves. Well, almost all of it. Our pianos each weigh over 900 pounds, so we paid professionals to do the moving. We had ample space in the sun room, so the movers only had to carry the pianos about 30 feet. It took them eight minutes to move the pianos to the sun room and twelve minutes to move them back. Total cost? $350.00. Over $1,000 per hour. Evidently I went into the wrong profession. Here's a shot of part of the sun-room which held all our stuff.The carpet install took about two days. Everything looks great, and we are back to normal. I sort of miss the old carpet, because now we have to be careful about spilling, wiping our feet, etc. I'm sure Bode will spill some juice on the carpet in the near future (or maybe I will but blame the little dude :-)

Next is a shot whose sole purpose is to increase the traffic to the blog. Yup, you guessed it. Ashley in a swim-suit. Hopefully the servers don't crash :-) I believe she's saying, "Don't you dare put this on the blog." Sorry, honey. The public has a right to know (or see)
Here's a shot of the three of us. Some guy insisted he take a picture so we all could be in the photo. Thank God he took this picture because we all look devastatingly handsome. Needless to say, this picture won't make our top ten list. Obviously Bode was thirsty...
Finally, here's a shot of Bode-man and Daddy on Father's Day. I know, I look like a dork. It sort of looks like Bode has that same sentiment.Today is the summer solstice. Looks like I'll be going to bed while it's still light out. God I'm old :-) Pleasant week to you all.

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