Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day: Part 1

What a great three-day weekend. We packed so much into it, you would think we had five days off. Being that we did so much, I'm going to do two separate posts. Originally, I had planned to do this all at once, but (much like the original Star Wars trilogy), the vast amount of material necessitates the need for mulitple entries. Of course, I won't wait three years between posts...more like 24 hours.

Friday, we snuck out of work early at 3:30 pm. I think a lot of people had a similar idea, so I don't feel too bad about playing partial-hooky. We took Auburn and Bode for a nice walk around the block. It was a beautiful evening, so we decided to go to the Greene, an outdoor shopping mall with a large commons area. The commons area has one of those fountains where the water comes intermittently out of various spots. Bode had one previous fountain experience, which he loved. As we pushed his stroller closer to the fountain, Bode squeeled with delight and started to lift himself out of his chair. We stripped him down to his shorts and let him have at it. Due to the intermittency of the streams, Bode was a little confused, as there would be water shooting into the air, and then it would stop to his dissatisfaction. He also took a couple shots in the face because he would spend too much time looking down into holes, which I found amusing. Unfortunately, we failed to bring the camera, so no pictures, but I will tell you Bode laughed and giggled for twenty minutes non-stop. We ate dinner at Noodles and Company and stopped for Italian ice cream on the way home (Bode made us). Bode went to sleep at 8 pm, and, sadly, I followed him shortly thereafter. Ashley came back to the bedroom at 9:15 and said (rather loudly), "Oh you're not sleeping, faker." I will have my revenge in the near future.

Saturday morning we went to the park, and this time, we remembered the camera. It's a small park--quaint is probably a better word to describe it. Here are Mommy and Bode just as we arrived. You can't tell, but Bode was making a beeline for the swing.Oh how the little dude loves to swing. Sometimes he'll want out after only a few pushes but then immediately want back in. This day, however, he was quite content to swing for five full minutes. Next, it was time for some serious sliding. And unlike a previous trip to the park, Bode didn't fall on the stairs. In fact, he can make it all the way up without our assistance, and for the most part, he takes the stairs like a big boy (we do spot him, something we should always do, as we learned later in the weekend).
First, we tried the little slide just to make sure we remembered how to do it.
Next, the tunnel slide. Scary.Finally, the big-boy slide.After the park, we went home and took a nice nap (I napped too, because I didn't get to bed early enough the previous night due to my wife's waking me from a sound sleep--did I mention this already?) Saturday afternoon, we went to the Kettering water park and bought a season-long pass. Sadly, we again forgot the camera (you'd think we could come up with a check list or something). The little man was again in his element; he must have some fish DNA in his genes. He went splashing into the water, and even (accidentally) stuck his face in it (which he didn't like). We spent a good hour in the water (yes, we used sun-screen), soaking in the sun and watching Bode laugh and giggle at just about everything. Needless to say, Saturday night, he was out like a light (some would say he was in "perfect hibernation," as Lando Calrissian did when describing Han Solo's sleep when encased in carbonite...well, maybe not some...a small number of losers more adequately describes the number).

That about does it for part 1. Yes, I know, not much of a cliff-hanger ending, but I will tease you with this about part 2: Lions, tigers, and bears, oh my! Pleasant day to all.

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