Sunday, May 17, 2009

May Day

Happy Mid-May to everyone. I can't believe it's almost summer time, especially since I was bundled up in jeans and a jacket this morning when Bode and I went to the park. High is forecast to be 60 today. Brrr...but at least it's sunny, and it should be in the 70's the rest of the week, with 80+ degree temps right around the corner. The approach of the warm weather has Ashley and me thinking we ought to buy a summer pass for the Kettering water park (reference Summer Time Fun post, August, 2008). Bode-man really loves his baths, water fountains, sprinklers, and (annoyingly) puddles of water in the street. We anticipate many hours of fun this summer at the water park (followed by intense screaming when we try to leave)...

There aren't many good pictures, as we've been remiss with the camera duties. Plus, Ashley is gone this week--she left yesterday for a trip to Washington D.C. She left on Saturday because she's going to visit her brother (Jason) and her friends Brantley and Dave. She took the camera with her, so the only picture taking device I have is my phone, and I certainly don't know how to use that contraption. Thus, you'll have to be satisfied with the picture below, taken shortly before bedtime. Bode and I have had a busy weekend...well, not really. It just seems busier when there's only one parent around. (Note: Here begins the part of the blog where Jeff brags about some personal accomplishment...skip ahead if you don't want to help swell his ego).

Yesterday morning, I ran in the Oakwood 10K (6.2 miles for you non-runners). I was hoping to finish in 42:24 (6:50 per mile pace), but had to settle for 42:41. Of course, my time was a little longer because my Garmin had the race distance at 6.23 miles. Had I run my intended pace, those extra three hundreths equate to 10.3 seconds. Thus, I missed my goal pace by seven measley seconds. I blame the hills (yes, it was a hilly course for Ohio). Amazingly, I finished seventh out of 96 runners, and got first in the 35-39 age-group ( The guy that won the race was 53 years old, so that is certainly a bitter pill to swallow... ;-) (End of Jeff's ego trip).

Due to the race, I was rather tired all day Saturday. When Bode napped, I napped. When Bode woke up, I wished Ashley were home. Today, I feel more rested, but am still quite fatigued. Hopefully Bode sleeps all afternoon...

Recommended reading: I'm just about done with The Gold Coast by Nelson Demile. Very good story, although a bit odd in some places. I then plan on reading Merle's Door, a dog-book recommended by my aunt. I'm hesitant to read it because I assume, like most non-fiction dog books, that at some point the dog is going to die, and given that we recently had to say goodbye to Dudley, I don't know if I'm ready for such a story. However, my aunt says it's one of the best she's ever read, and since she too is a dog lover, I'll trust her recommendation.

Health tip: I read in the paper that if you drink one soda (non-diet) a day and don't change any of your other habits, you will gain 10+ pounds a year due to the sugar. Thus, I'm quiting soda cold turkey. So if I seem cranky this week, especially in the afternoon, please cut me some slack (or nudge me if I've fallen asleep).

Ashley returns Thursday. Maybe we'll play hookie and have a nice four-day holiday weekend.

Pleasant week to you all.

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