Sunday, April 26, 2009


I need a woman's mind to help decipher the following. Today, Ashley and I spent a lot of time cleaning the house. We split the duties equally, and it just so happens I clean the kitchen. As we were preparing dinner this evening, I noticed Ashley was going to make fried okra, normally a pleasant delicacy. However, we don't own a deep-fryer, so Ashley has to heat the oil in a pan and then place the battered okra into said pan. If you've ever fried anything this way, you will know that there is a lot of collateral damage i.e. oil splatters on everything. Thus, I wasn't too happy about this since I'd just cleaned the kitchen. During the dinner preparations, the following conversation actually took place:
Ashley: "I'm not speaking to you."
Jeff: "Why, what did I do?"
Ashley: "You yelled at me."
Jeff: "I did not. In fact, I didn't say anything at all."
Ashley: "True. But it was the way you didn't say it."
Yes, that last line is a direct quote. What the ^%$* does it mean? :-) Obviously it is waaay too sophisticated for a man's mind to comprehend...

Nothing too exciting going on here. Beautiful weekend in Dayton--got up to 86 today. We worked in the yard some, and took Bode to the park (no fat lips this time). Here are a couple cute pictures. The first simply shows that Bode is getting older--turning 17 months this week--and has lost the baby look.The second happened today during lunch. I was reading the paper and realized it had gotten real quiet. I looked up and Bode was out cold.Pleasant week to you all.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

I wish our kids did that! One seems to keep up the other during meals. That picture is a good example of one of my favorite memories as a kid... my little bros out...
