Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter...Here's Your Fat Lip

Happy Easter Sunday to everyone. It is a beautiful day here in Dayton, and I'm not just talking about the weather. Lent is now officially over, which means I can eat sweets again. Yes, you heard (read) that right. I gave up sweets for the past 46 days (or 1,004 hours...but who's counting). And my definition of "sweets" was rather strict (I'm old school, baby). Anything that I would normally eat for dessert was prohibitted. No chocolate, no ice cream, no cookies. I didn't even allow myself an after-dinner mint. The results were rather surprising. I lost six pounds, which is quite a lot for a little slim-jim like me. What was more impressive was this past week, we had our annual weigh-in/waist measurement at work. My waist was a shocking 29.5 inches. Now, before you gasp, the guy doing the taping was a bit generous with his "cinching of the tape" (the footprint on my stomach is evidence on how snugly the tape was pulled). I probably won't continue this exercise is sugar-abstinance, but I think the lesson of this little adventure is clear. If you are trying to lose weight, simply give up the sweets for 1,000+ hours...if I can do it, so can you.

Yesterday, we went to the park. Bode loves the swings, and he's really starting to like the slide. He's able to climb the stairs like a normal person (i.e. not crawl up them) with a little help from Mom or Dad (we hold his hand). Of course, if the person holding his hand isn't paying close enough attention, the little dude can still fall down (I'm the guilty one, your Honor). Below is what happens when toddler-lip meets steel-stair.Poor little guy got a fat lip--he looks like he was in a rumble. And yes, I fully admit that it was Daddy's fault (well, I also blame the economy and those greedy Wall-Street bankers, because everything is their fault these days). Fortunately, the amount he cried was disproportionate to the amount of blood (lots of blood, minimal tears), and once we got home and got some juice, Bode-man was his normal self.

Do you know those restaurants where you order your food at the counter (e.g. a Subway or Noodles and Company)? We frequent such a place for lunch. It's usually pretty crowded, and there is limited seating. Now, can someone please tell me how a normal, sane person would think it to be acceptable behavior to show up at such a place, see the long line at the counter and the limited number of tables, and have somone from their party snag an open table even though there were ten people in front of them in line? How is this different from simply cutting in front of everyone in line? If you are one of these people, well, I apologize (actually, I don' should be shot :-)

We are off to the Home Depot. Bode loves it there--so much to see, so much to feel. The added bonus is the store is huge, and all that walking makes for a long afternoon nap!

Pleasant day to all.

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