Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Door 1, Bode 0

Bode is now past 15 months, and he is quite the boy. Little boys like to move from point A to point B as fast as they can. Unfortunately, Bode doesn't quite have the fine leg dexterity that is required for speed work. Thus, in the immortal words of Cosmo Kramer, "There was an incident," at daycare last week. Nothing serious or hospital-worthy, but there was blood and tears. Bode was "hauling a*s" across the room and tripped over the carpet. His little alligator arms weren't fast enough to brace the fall, so Whamo! Face first onto the floor. Lots of blood from his nose and mouth, but he shook it off and was playing again in less than ten minutes.

Unfortunately, the exact same thing happened on Saturday at the grocery store. We go there early Saturday mornings, so there isn't a big crowd. We let Bode explore while we shop. There he was strolling along when his feet got tangled, and Whamo! again. Face first onto the grocery mart floor. I didn't realize the severity until I saw Ashley holding him, blood pouring down his face. The store personnel were quite helpful (ice, water, and a couple lollipops), and in a few minutes, the little dude had calmed down.

Tonight, Bode had another fall. This one left a mark. He was walking into the sun-room. His feet must have gotten tangled up in the floor-runners, because next thing we knew, we had a screaming kid. Bode didn't hit the ground, but rather, his face slammed into the metal rails on the wall upon which the door closes. You can see the line running down his face just under his eye. Poor little fella...but we suppose there are only going to be more incidents as time goes by.

Nothing else exciting. My immune system continues to take a beating in the post-Bode era, as I had a 101 degree fever last night, and seem to have developed YET ANOTHER COLD. Fortunately, Bode is fine. Evidently he's just the conduit through which the germs make it from daycare to our house.

Pleasant day.

1 comment:

Amie S said...

Poor guy :( Yeah, this age is pretty tough since their desires outmatch their abilities just yet.