Saturday, January 31, 2009

Winter is Here

Being the fitness guru that I (think I) am, on Monday I did Ashley's little aerobics class. I figured it'd be a treat for some of the ladies in the class to see a real Adonis exercising, but since he wasn't there, they were stuck with me :-) Honestly, the class was a good work out, and it was nice to do something different. Of course, the operative word is different, because, as many of you know, when the body does something different, something that it isn't quite used to, soreness is a typical result. During the class, the instructor had us grab a set of dumb-bells (I couldn't find the 50 pounders) and then do lunges an entire lap around the track. The track is 1/9 of a mile. I figure I cover about a yard with every lunge, so this equated to ~200 lunges. I hadn't done lunges in years, so come Tuesday morning, my legs were, to quote Paul Sherwin, "screaming at me." I couldn't hardly walk, bend over, go up/down stairs. I probably looked like a tall version of Bode trying to walk, stumbling around, legs not quite working as they should. Ashley, of course, found this hilarious and spent the day reminding me that it was the "little girly aerobics class" that did this to me, to which I responded, "How did Auburn do in football this year?"

Tuesday night, we had an ice/sleet storm followed by 10-12 inches of snow. Therefore, the base shut down, which meant we all stayed home. Here's a shot from our front porch. It kind of reminds me of Colorado...without the mountains.
Ashley had the foresight to bring her work computer home before the storm in case of such an event. She spent the day holed up in the office, while Bode and I spent the day playing. (Un)fortunately, the storm was so bad, the base was also closed on Wednesday. Two days stuck in the house entertaining a one-year old was challenging, but it was fun to hang out with the little dude. We noticed he has the strongest thighs of anyone in the world. He squats down and gets his butt iches off the ground while keeping his feet flat. He remains in this position for minutes at a time, playing, laughing, whatever. Maybe he'll be a gymnast...It's Saturday, just over 24 hours until kickoff of Super Bowl XLIII. It's freezing here--high of 15 or so, which means today is a good day to stay inside and get the taxes in order. Maybe I'll bet the entire refund on the Steelers! Go Pittsburgh!

1 comment:

Amie S said...

It's amazing how the little ones can sit in that squat postion for so long! Oh, and that'll learn ya to be so gung ho ;)