Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sick. And Tired

The title of this post accurately describes our well being, not only now, but perhaps for the past 14 months (yes, Bode has been alive 14 times as long as William Henry Harrison was in office--don't you just love those inauguration facts???). Going into the whole parent-thing, I knew sleepiness went with the territory. What I wasn't ready for is the amount of times I'd be sick. Oh sure, I figured Bode would get a bunch of colds and other things, but I thought, based on 35+ years of building up my immune system, that I'd be relative safe from most of the junk Bode brought home. I guess I wasn't counting on that whole "virus mutation" thing. In the days P.B. (pre-Bode for those new to the blog), I would catch a cold about once a year. I figured my immune system was in tip-top shape. Obviously I was mistaken because during the past 14 months, I've had a cold on six separate occasions. And not just a trifle case of the sniffles. A full-blown, pounding head, sinus cavity full of snot cold. In addition to the colds I also got a real bad case of the flu (although part of me blames the flu-shot for that one).

As you might have guessed, inferred, deduced, or whatever you wish to call it, Sherlock, Ashley and I both have colds. Or, as we say it, "codes." Or, as Bode says it, "Da-da." Yes, he says "Da-da" but not in any way referring to me--anything but me is "Da-da."

Despite keeping the Kleenex people in business, we had a relatively nice weekend. Big props to the mighty Pittsburgh Steelers (not to say I told you so, but I did). Bode, for some reason, wasn't all that into the game. In fact, he spent a lot of Sunday playing with his fake cell-phone.
This past weekend, we fed Bode some jello and decided, just for grins, to see if he could use a spoon. To our amazement, he did quite well. He couldn't really get the jello onto the spoon, but he knew what to do with it once it was in place. Of course, a new eating routine means more food on the floor, hence the omnipresent rotty during feeding. Note also Bode is using his left-hand...looks like we may have a south-paw.
Finally, many of you have asked for a picture of the train table we got Bode for Christmas. Here he is playing trains--obviously he loves it. One of the locomotives is battery powered, so we can turn it on and let it go. Bode will do laps, following the train around the table. Best of all, chasing the train is sort of like running laps around a track, so hopefully he's burning off some of that spare tire...
Ashley is thrilled now that dull, boring college football season is over. You probably didn't know she's a rabid women's basketball fan, and as luck would have it, the Lady Cougars, err, Tigers, are 18-0, ranked #6 in the nation (does the word bandwagon come to mind?) Anyways, I think they're on TV this week, so if you have nothing better to do, your taxes are done, and your laundry is all folded, you might want to check them out. Or you could watch more inauguration coverage--I'm sure that'll still be going on...

Pleasant day. Ahhh chooo.

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