Saturday, August 16, 2008

A Whole Lotta Nothing

I'll start this off by saying we've done nothing of note these past two weeks, so if you're hoping for some exciting story about our thrill-seeking lives, I suggest you find another blog. It's been the usual routine--sleep, wake up, work, eat, play with the Bode-man, and, of course, give Auburn and Dudley some love. The weeks are certainly going by fast. Amazingly enough, Bode is quickly approaching the 9-month point, meaning he'll have spent the same amount of time outside the womb as in it. Has it really only been nine months? It feels like it's been much longer, yet at the same time, it's passed in the blink of an eye.

Since there is very little to report, I'll jump right into the photographs. Bode is really developing quickly. Almost everyone comments about how big he is--and it's not that's he's just stout. He's gotten a lot longer. Not sure where the height is coming from, and hopefully the trend continues so Bode can top out above six feet (he must have gotten the same gene as his Uncle Pat, who is 6'3"). Not only is he growing quickly, he's also learning how to do so many different things. He's started feeding himself. It's so nice to just plop him down in his chair and put some diced fruit in front of him. Of course, about 25% of what he picks up actually makes it to his mouth. The rest of it? Well, that's why we have the rottie...
The folks at daycare say Bode really loves music. He likes any toy that plays a tune. He also really likes banging on the piano, so we're thinking we have a prodigy on our hands, which I guess would go in the same category as Bode being tall because neither Ashley nor I is musically gifted. We'll see if he's the next Mozart. The other day when I picked up Bode from daycare, one of the ladies that watches Bode says to me in a very innocent voice, "Does Bode have any shoes?" Yes, we were being stupid (cheap?) and weren't putting anything on his feet (prepping him for life as a beach bum). Thus, we had to go out and get him some sneaks. He's a baby size 4, extra wide, which, evidently, is quite big for one his age. Here's a shot of him modelling his new footwear.Obviously, Bode is pulling himself up. He's even started moving around from one piece of furniture to the next. One of his favorite games is chase the remote. We simply place the remote out of his reach and watch him navigate around the table. Hours of fun right there.
All that walking around certainly is tiring. Here's a shot of Bode sitting with me at the computer. We were going to try to Skype some folks, but when he nodded off, that got put on hold.
Note the shirt I have on in the picture above. It's 14 days until college football season. War Damn Eagle. Pleasant evening.

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