Sunday, August 24, 2008

Summer Time Fun

Another good week in the life of Bode McGuirk...until this morning. But I'll get to that shortly. The work week passed as usual with nothing of note happening. Friday came, and we lived it up, going out to dinner at a local Italian eatery. Bode does real well in restaurants, provided we bring his favorite toys so he can entertain himself. We got home around 8 pm, and were then in bed before 9. Fortunately God invented the DVR so we could watch the Olympics in the morning :-) Bode was kind enough to sleep in until 7 am or so, meaning we got close to ten uninterrupted hours of sleep. Yes!!!

We decided we wanted to do something fun on Saturday; however, there was also work to be done around the house. Thus, we said we would each do one chore and then we would go out and whoop it up. Ashley decided to do some touch-up painting in the kitchen while I busted out the chain saw and sledge hammer. We had a tree taken down a couple weeks ago (it was dead) and wanted to use the wood this winter. The only thing that makes one feel more manly than cutting wood with a chain saw is then splitting it with the sledge. I worked for close to three hours and made one huge pile of fire wood--I almost took a picture of it to show you all, but I thought that might be a bit cheesy. Yessiree, I was feeling pretty good about myself--manly indeed...until this morning when I woke up. It felt like I had been in a terrible car accident after which a team of Clydesdales stomped on my back. Do they have to make those sledge hammers so heavy? I also didn't think my hand would be so sore from just squeezing the saw's trigger. In the immortal words of Toby Keith, "I ain't as good as I once was..."

Ok, back to Saturday. After our work and before the soreness kicked in, we went to the pool. Once again, we had the best time. The second we put Bode in the water, he was smiling and splashing. He even crawled around in it--we had to make sure he didn't tump over every now and then. Otherwise, he just loved it. Here are some action photos. First, we have Bode and Mommy hanging out.
Next, we have me and Bode playing. The life guard asked me to not release Bode when I was throwing him, which reduced Bode's enjoyment somewhat, but he still had a great time.
After playing in the pool, we needed to relax in the shade. Bode was thirsty and needed some juice from his sippy cup. He does quite well drinking on his own. Daycare doesn't even give him bottles anymore...
Today started off much like yesterday. Bode slept in, and we wanted to have some fun. Before that, we decided I would go to the grocery store and get our weekly supplies. While there, the cell phone rang. "Jeffy, can you get some band-aids." "Sure, why?" "I cut Bode's finger...really bad." Mommy was cutting Bode's finger nails when she took some skin off. Needless to say, Bode was not happy--crying and screaming, and there was blood. It's nothing major--just a nick, but I'm sure it was quite traumatic to the little guy (not to mention Ashley). But, after he got his breakfast, he seemed to be fine and back in his usual good spirits. We're seeing if he'll take a nap, and then we're heading up to one of the local parks that is having a sea food festival. Hopefully we can get some good eats. Pleasant Sunday to all.

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