Sunday, June 1, 2008

He's a 20-Pounder

Phew! What a busy week we had. Wednesday, we had Bode's 6-month photography shoot. The whole human family went--the dogs had to stay at home--and the pictures turned out quite well. The most awkward moment of the photo-session was when the following dialog transpired:

"Jeff, why don't you take off your socks and shoes and stand there with Bode."
Jeff: "Ok." (Click, click, click, as a number of pictures are taken.)
Photographer: "Hmm, let's see. Jeff, can you take Bode's shirt off--it'll look cute."
Jeff: "Sure, whatever you say, you're the professional." (Click, click, click).
Photographer: "An interesting idea: Jeff, why don't you take off your shirt?"
Jeff: (Stares bewildered)

Somehow, Ashley and the photographer convinced me to show off the temple that is my upper body. You can view these photographs and all the others at I think you click on Portraits Coming Soon and then click on clients. Password is Bode.

On Thursday, Bode had his 6-month checkup. He's now 26.75" long and weighs a whopping 19 lbs 4 oz. This puts him in the 50th percentile for height and the 75th percentile for weight. The doc also commented on Bode's physique: "He's got Michelin arms and legs, doesn't he?" (For those slow on the uptake, the Michelin is a reference to the stay-puff looking guy on the Michelin tire commercials). All in all, Bode was deemed a fit baby and the doctor has no concerns whatsoever.

Friday was somewhat of a normal day; we both worked (yuck) and Bode spent his last day in the young-infants room at day care. We met with his current room leader (Ms. Brenda) and his new room leader (Ms. Sarah) and also saw his new "office" aka the 6-12 month old room. It's very much like the old room, except bigger with more stuff to play on. Plus, there is this cute little table and chairs they are taught to sit at... they usually don't do that until the 8-month point, so Bode has time before he's eating like a civilized person (i.e. with a sippy cup). We're excited that Bode's moving up rooms; I guess kids growing up is inevitable. My one concern about this new room is the potential bullying--who's to stop a bunch of crawling 10-month old hooligans from tormenting poor little Bode? When I asked this, Ms. Sarah looked at Ms. Brenda who just shook her head and said, "Yes, Bode's father is an idiot. You'll just have to get used to him."

Saturday was a day of chores: Ashley was painting the kitchen ceiling, laundry needed done, Bode needed more clothes and more food, the house needed a good picking up, and Home Depot needed some of our money. Fortunately, we were done with the work by the evening, so we were able to relax and spend some time with the kiddo. We're also continuing our summer reading program. We figured the more Bode sees us reading, the more likely he'll want to read. Plus, we realized we were watching too much TV, so we're making a concerted effort to not watch it this summer (except for the occasional sporting event and Ashley must watch So You Think You Can Dance?) Ashley is reading Pillars of the Earth (excellent) and I'm reading Child 44 by Tom Rob Smith (also excellent--highly recommended!!!)

Today we haven't done much so far other than grow older. I've officially joined the ranks of "mid-30's" i.e. I'm now 35. Bode got in the birthday spirit and had a present waiting for me when we woke up; needless to say, I was a bit disappointed, but Ashley's gifts made up for it (a new wallet and a new running GPS watch). We'll try to go to lunch, maybe hit some golf balls, and I'm going to work in the yard. It's certainly not a birthday party worthy of Entertainment Tonight...but I wouldn't have it any other way :-)

We don't have many pictures to post (see the website mentioned above for some professional ones), but we do have these. First, Mommy and Bode.We also have Auburn giving Bode a "Happy 6-months" kiss.
No major events planned this week. Saturday, Ashley and Bode are going to Florida for a week of fun in the sun. I will stay here with the doggies and hopefully get some much needed work done at school! Pleasant day to you all.

1 comment:

RockyMtnCyclist said...

Jeff, we checked out the link and enjoyed the views of the "temple." The pictures are great.