Saturday, April 22, 2023

Spring Band Concert

The final band concert was this past Thursday. It was bitter-sweet for us, because Bode has decided to not continue in the Choctawhatchee band next year. There just aren't enough hours in the day to do swimming and band. We hope he will continue to play, perhaps in a local youth symphony.

The concert band played three pieces. Bode is seated at the very front left of the band. The first piece is a Hebrew Folk song.

Next was a very short but nice piece.
Finally, they played a suite of Disney songs.
Bode also started working at the Eglin pool as a lifeguard. He makes $15 per hour, which is great money for a kid. The downside of Bode working is he is not yet driving, so we get to drive him to some more activities.  They had a life-guard meeting on Thursday. I surreptitiously snapped a photo--Bode is on the far left.

Bode is gone this weekend. He is on a school fun-trip to Gatlinberg. He left on Friday morning and gets back late on Monday. Ashley decided to celebrate Bode being gone by getting sick :-( Hopefully it's just a head cold. Happy weekend to all :-)

Grammy Visit

My mother was visiting for the past few weeks. We had a wonderful time, and it was nice having Grammy around. We failed to take many pictures, but we did take these at the end. First, here is Bode with Grammy. Note Rowdy has to be in the picture.

Next, we have Grammy and me. I think it's funny how Grammy is stiff-arming Rowdy.
Bode has really dedicated himself to swimming. After practice, they do some dry-land work. I snapped these pictures of the boy "doing work."
Rowdy is now almost sixteen months old. Thus, it was time to take his balls. Little fellow is doing great--needs to wear the donut-of-shame for a few more days, but he seems like his normal self.
Weather is starting to get very nice here. I'll have to take some pictures of the garden and post in the future--I already have six tomatoes growing! :-)