Sunday, January 29, 2023

Frosty 5k

The McGuirk family did the Frosty 5k run on Saturday. This is a smile 3.1 mile race in Fort Walton Beach. Bode was excited to see he had a number of friends from the swim team that would also be running; unfortunately, these friends also run cross country, so Bode had some stiff competition. Below is a good shot of them before the race.

The two boys on the right are Zach and Matias. Matias ended up winning the whole race, while Zach came in third. Here is a post-race picture.
Bode ran well--finished is 24:06, which is about twenty seconds faster than his first 5k; sadly, he got a very bad blister on his foot. Ashley and I both managed to win our age groups (like I said, it was a very small race); there is no need to post our times :-) I did take a couple selfies of the three of us, but the Big Stinker would not cooperate.
I then tried to get a picture of Bode and Ashley but neither one of them seemed excited about a photo.
Bode eventually abandoned us for his friends, typical of a teenager. I snuck a picture of the three of them chilling on the wall.

It is a dreary day here in FWB. Temps are in the 50's, but it is cloudy and feels like a cold fall day in Ohio. I'm sure we'll watch some football, and I'll probably do some grocery shopping; supplies are low in the house, and Bode is hungry :-) Pleasant week to all.

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