Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Parent Preview

Bode had band-camp for the past two weeks.  This was his first introduction to high-school band, and I think he likes it. They spent five hours a day for nine days learning the first part of their halftime routine. On Friday, the parents were invited to get a preview of the show. 

Here is a picture of some of the band.  Bode is near the center of the picture just to the left of the big guy.

Here is a close up of Bode; he looks angry :-)
Here is one of Bode actually playing.
They did both a static performance where they just played the music and also one with the marching around. I'll record the marching performances at the football games, which start in less than four weeks. I did take a movie of the band playing one of the Choctaw songs.
We are very excited about the start of high school. Well, maybe not all of us. I don't know if Bode is thrilled about returning to school just yet; in all honesty, neither am I :-)

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