Friday, June 10, 2022

Callaway Part 2

As many of you know, Ashley and I like to golf.  Bode has been a couple of times, but he has not shown a big interest in it.  Thus, we were thrilled when he said he would play with us.  I had to let him wear one of my collared shirts and a nice pair of shorts.  The boy cleans up nicely.
Here is a good picture of Ashley on the tee.
I also got a good picture of Bode in mid-swing with the lake in the background.
I did get a goofy one of Bode and me in the cart.
And here is a picture of Bode driving the cart, a clear violation of the rules :-)
I also took some movies.  Here is Bode coming off the tee.
And finally, here is a movie of Ashley and Bode hitting their drives.

We had a wonderful time golfing.  Amazingly, Ashley and I played fairly well--nothing great, but we didn't hurt ourselves, and that is always a good day.  We were sad to see our time in Callaway come to an end, but it was nice to get home and see Rowdy and Barkley.  We will probably rest this weekend and return to our normal lives on Monday. Pleasant week to all.

Callaway Part 1

We just returned from a week-long getaway to Callaway Gardens.  We had a wonderful time relaxing and doing as little as possible :-) We've been there many times in the past, but we were sad to see there was no longer the opportunity to go waterskiing, which was a real bummer.  However, we didn't let this deter us, and we, as always, loved our time there. As always, we spent some time at the beach.

We also did Aqua Island twice (separate days). Ashley and I were exhausted after each hour-long outing, but we are proud to day we were the oldest ones out there :-) Ashley and I managed to scale the big iceberg on the left and jump from the top; sadly, Bode couldn't figure out how to climb the wall.
We also played some frisbee golf.
Here's a shot of Ashley showing her perfect form.
Here's a good one of Bode after his release.
We jogged every morning, and Bode even went with us. We also went for some nice walks around the park.  Below is a nice one of Ashley and Bode.
It looks like a very sweat picture.  However, I think Bode was actually shoving his mother as opposed to giving her a sweet hug. Bode was nice enough to take a picture of Ashley and me.
And here is a good one of Bode and Ashley.
I also took a funny sequence of Ashley after our Aqua Island adventure. 
We also managed to get Bode out on the golf course...stay tuned for those pictures :-)

Friday, June 3, 2022

Water Dog

 Rowdy likes the water. We figured this out over Memorial Day weekend. We didn't think he'd take to it as much as he has. Today, we didn't even have to coax him to jump in.

Barkley continues to hate the water and remains firmly on land.

We do put Rowdy in a swim-vest so he has better buoyancy. Here's a shot of Bode and the little guy.
We throw a ball that Rowdy seems to love, and he'll swim to it wherever it lands. Here is Ashley throwing the ball and you can see Rowdy's fervor as he's in hot pursuit.
Here are some still pictures of Rowdy swimming in for the kill.
Finally, a movie of the water fun.
Rowdy is usually wiped out after we swim; he is currently zonked out on the couch :-)