Saturday, February 19, 2022


 Bode has been doing weight-lifting at school all year.  All the middle schools in the area had a weight-lifting competition.  Bode competed and did great...sort of.  He had benched 155 lbs a couple weeks before the meet.  However, I don't think he was prepared for the competition format in that you had to bring the bar down, stop, and then press.  Still, the little man (big man) came oh-so-close.

He also did the clean-and-jerk.  He was more successful, and he felt he could do more weight.  Here he is getting a good lift of 135 lbs.
Rowdy and Barkley have become the best of friends.  They play together all the time.
Here is a cute movie of them playing.
My mother has been in town visiting.  Obviously, the dogs are terrified of her.
Here is one move video of more of the same.
Finally, here is a nice picture of Bode and Grammy.
Nothing too exciting going on here this week.  Bode is very busy with band, orchestra, swimming, and weight lifting; he probably should study every now and then as well :-)  Ashley and I are just trying to stay awake--these puppies are a lot of work!  Pleasant week to all.

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