Sunday, February 27, 2022


 Through Bode's involvement with Sinfonia Gulf Coast, he had the wonderful opportunity this weekend to play with Ezinma, a fairly famous American violinist that has brought some hip-hop to the four strings.  You can check out her own webpage at  She has played with some big names--Beyonce, Stevie Wonder, and some other newer artists that I didn't recognize.  She was here as one of the performers for Sinfonia's Mardi Gras celebration.  Yesterday, she spent 45 minutes with some of the kids having fun on the violin.  Afterwards, Bode got a picture with her.  Little man is going to have to start dressing up if he is going to impress the ladies.

She was extremely personable and a very positive person.  She even told the kids they could messenger her whenever they wanted--and I really think she'd answer them.  I'm trying to get Bode to send her an IM just to thank her, but I don't know if I will be successful.  

Today was the big performance day.  I don't think Bode realized the magnitude of the event at which he would be playing.  It was $175 per plate to get a seat at a table, so we did not attend.  Ezinma played for about an hour, while the kids joined her for one song.  Before the concert, she was gracious enough to take a lot of pictures.
She also took some selfies with the group, and I think she posted to her Instagram account.
Ashley took the video--I apologize in advance for the quality.  You can't see much of Ezinma until the end.  Afterwards, even Bode admitted that it was cool to play with a professional.
It is another start of the work week; oh joy :-) Pleasant week to all.

Saturday, February 19, 2022


 Bode has been doing weight-lifting at school all year.  All the middle schools in the area had a weight-lifting competition.  Bode competed and did great...sort of.  He had benched 155 lbs a couple weeks before the meet.  However, I don't think he was prepared for the competition format in that you had to bring the bar down, stop, and then press.  Still, the little man (big man) came oh-so-close.

He also did the clean-and-jerk.  He was more successful, and he felt he could do more weight.  Here he is getting a good lift of 135 lbs.
Rowdy and Barkley have become the best of friends.  They play together all the time.
Here is a cute movie of them playing.
My mother has been in town visiting.  Obviously, the dogs are terrified of her.
Here is one move video of more of the same.
Finally, here is a nice picture of Bode and Grammy.
Nothing too exciting going on here this week.  Bode is very busy with band, orchestra, swimming, and weight lifting; he probably should study every now and then as well :-)  Ashley and I are just trying to stay awake--these puppies are a lot of work!  Pleasant week to all.

Monday, February 7, 2022


 We welcomed Rowdy, a wonderful 8-week old, 12-pound boxer puppy, into McGuirk family on Friday.  He's a little cutie.

He spent some time getting used to things, but he quickly settled in despite the presence of the 100-pound rottie.
He's a feisty little guy.  When he first met Barkley, he chased her all around the house, and she was not pleased.  She was actually afraid of the little guy.  However, Barkley seems to have figured out he again has a playmate in the house, albeit a rather small one.
Here is a cute one of the two of them playing outside.
Finally, here is a sweet one of the little fellow zonked out.
I'm sure we will have many more videos of Barkley and Rowdy playing as he grows into the family.  We will probably have a couple months of house-breaking, but that goes with having a puppy.  I look forward to a few weeks when he's big enough where he can't escape from the backyard. Pleasant week to all.