Sunday, January 30, 2022

All County Band

The Okaloosa All-County Honor's Band had their performance yesterday.  As I reported in a previous post, Bode was the first-chair for trumpet (nine trumpets in all).  There were three Meigs students that made the All-County band; here is a nice picture of Bode, Grace, and Julian.

Here's a goofy one of Bode--I think they got the picture before he was fully posed.

Here's a good one of the three musicians, Ms Tordi, Mr Purcell (Grace's Dad, and he helps a lot with the band), and Mr Mike Loffredo, the guest director of the All-County Band).

The music pieces were beautiful.  The first one was a fanfare.  Note Bode is towards the center back, and you can't really see him at all in the videos.
The second piece was Robin in the Meadow.
The third piece was Best of the West.  This one is our favorite because you can really hear Bode play.  At the 1:22 mark, there is a little back-and-forth between the flutes and the trumpets; we thought it sounded very cool (but we are a little biased...)
And the big finale was a Coast Guard march.
I took some pictures at the end; you can kind of see Bode in the second photo, but it is a little blurry.
Bode will probably rest today--the All-County Band rehearsed Tuesday night, Thursday night, and all day Friday (he got to miss a day of school!).  We'll probably also start preparing for the arrival of a new puppy--if all goes well, we will be picking him up this week! Stay tuned :-)

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