Sunday, November 28, 2021

Thanksgiving and a Birthday

 We had a wonderful Thanksgiving week.  Grammy was down for a visit, and Bode enjoyed having his other grandmother in town for the week.

I didn't take many pictures, and I should have done a better job planning a family photo.  I did get this weird one of Ashley--she's probably giving her critique of the peach cobbler she made (it was not good, but definitely not her fault--the recipe needs to be thrown out and burned.
JoAnne and Frank brought Ashley's and Bode's combined birthday gift.  Here are the two of them trying to figure out how to get the box open.
Nana and Papa got them a cool dart board for our new game room.  I think we just need to get a piece of cork-board to mount behind it--I'm not saying we're bad at darts, but I imagine we'll have a few throws where we completely miss the board :-)

Grammy left on Friday, and then on Saturday, we celebrated Ashley's birthday with a trip to the Goofy Golf and the Waffle House (she's an easy date).  We then hoped like hell for an Auburn win in the Iron Bowl, but they lost in 4 OTs... :-(  Still, Ashley managed to put on a happy face when she blew out the candles on her birthday cake.

And for those of you who are blog aficionados, yes, that is the same shirt Bode had on in his band pictures.  Bode and I even sang (badly) to Ashley.
Ashley's is now the big LI (in Roman Numerals).  She doesn't look a day over XXXIV.  Pleasant day to all :-)

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