Sunday, March 14, 2021

Another Gardening Year

 I did not have much success with the garden in 2020 (I blame Covid).  I am going to take a more proactive approach and plan to spray early and often for bugs, mold, pests, and fungi.  I did some planting last weekend, and there are already some corn and peas sprouting up through the surface.

The first picture is of the entire garden.  I tilled each of the boxes and added some new soil.  We'll see if this helps.

The blackberry vines have a lot of new growth on them, so I'm hoping we can defeat the birds and get some good fruit.
Since I already have the trellis in place to support the berries, I planted some peas along the base.  These are already starting to break through the ground, although I don't know if you can really tell in the picture.
I planted a lot of corn--5 rows worth--in the second box.  I have my owl standing guard over the seeds, and I think they all survived.  There are some little shoots coming up, and I imagine I'll have some good growth by next week.  I also planted some cantaloup at the far end.
Today, I planted a lot of beans in the third box--black beans, lima beans, and green beans.  I also did some broccoli, but I don't know why.  I've never had any success with broccoli down here, so maybe it's just too warm for it.  We'll see if we have any luck.  What you see growing are radishes.  I planted these back in January because a friend told me radishes do great in the winter.  He was correct, although I don't really eat them, so this was sort of just for show :-)
It's Sunday night, and we are all tired from the weekend.  Well, I should say Ashley and I are tired.  Bode thinks Ashley and I are old because we go to bed so early (he is probably right :-)  Pleasant week to all.

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