Sunday, March 28, 2021

MCU Phase II

 The McGuirk Construction Universe Phase II (MCU II) has started.  We are reclaiming the old garage and plan to make it a mud-entryway and den.  First, here is a picture of the exterior when it was a garage.

We have taken out the garage door and installed five large windows.
Brick will be added to the bottom, and it should look like it was part of the house.  The inside is coming along.  The entryway wall has been framed, and the electricians have been running wire and adding lights.
I think we'll get some insulation this week, and maybe drywall will start next week, but I'm not sure.  We're hopeful it will be done by some time this summer.  The furnishing of the carriage house is also going well.  We had a couch and a chair delivered this week.
The newspaper is the size of a 55-in flat screen television, which we'll get at some point, but not quite yet.  We also had blinds installed.
The blinds are on all the windows--I just closed two of the blinds to show that they do work.  Ashley plans to build a large high-table to go with the chairs you see in the above picture.  I'm not sure of the timeline for that project, but I'm sure we'll post pictures when it is done.

Nothing else too exciting is happening here.  Bode is off tomorrow from school for a teacher workday.  I have about a month left until our summer break, and I am really looking forward to that!  Pleasant week to all.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Another Swim Meet

 Meigs swam against Liza Jackson yesterday.  They are a pretty big team, but they only beat the Meigs boy's team by 20 points, which is very impressive considering Meigs had a number of DQs.  Bode swam amazingly well.  His first event was the 200 medley relay.  He swam the butterfly leg.  Note how far behind Bode is when he starts, but if you watch until he finishes, you will see he finishes at exactly the same time as the kid next to him.

His next event was the 50-fly.  The boy next to him in lane four is a friend of Bode's and he told Bode that he was going to beat him.  I think Madden was joking and trying to get into Bode's head, because he knew going in that Bode was faster.  Still, it was a very exciting race.
His fly-time was 29:81, which I think is quite fast.  He's really improved this past season.  His third event was the 50-free.  I thought the boy next to Bode is lane four was going to beat Bode, just by looking at the kid's physique (leaner than Bode, a little more muscle definition), but our little dolphin swam like a shark closing in on his prey and finished in personal-best time of 27:28.

Bode also swam in the 200-freestyle relay.  His team was up by a good bit going into the anchor leg (Bode swam lead-off), but the boy on Bode's team lost his goggles when he dove in, which really slowed him down.  Liza won by only two seconds.  Oh well--it was a very exciting race.  Before the meet, Bode even posed for a picture with Ashley.
After the meet, Bode's dinner was a giant sub from Jersey Mikes.  I'm still amazed at how much he eats. 

Today, I worked in the garden and the yard.  My peas are coming in nicely...
The corn is starting to grow...
The black beans have sprouted...
And even the broccoli has broken through.
It was a beautiful weekend here on the emerald coast; if only we didn't have to work tomorrow :-)

Happy spring to all!

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Another Gardening Year

 I did not have much success with the garden in 2020 (I blame Covid).  I am going to take a more proactive approach and plan to spray early and often for bugs, mold, pests, and fungi.  I did some planting last weekend, and there are already some corn and peas sprouting up through the surface.

The first picture is of the entire garden.  I tilled each of the boxes and added some new soil.  We'll see if this helps.

The blackberry vines have a lot of new growth on them, so I'm hoping we can defeat the birds and get some good fruit.
Since I already have the trellis in place to support the berries, I planted some peas along the base.  These are already starting to break through the ground, although I don't know if you can really tell in the picture.
I planted a lot of corn--5 rows worth--in the second box.  I have my owl standing guard over the seeds, and I think they all survived.  There are some little shoots coming up, and I imagine I'll have some good growth by next week.  I also planted some cantaloup at the far end.
Today, I planted a lot of beans in the third box--black beans, lima beans, and green beans.  I also did some broccoli, but I don't know why.  I've never had any success with broccoli down here, so maybe it's just too warm for it.  We'll see if we have any luck.  What you see growing are radishes.  I planted these back in January because a friend told me radishes do great in the winter.  He was correct, although I don't really eat them, so this was sort of just for show :-)
It's Sunday night, and we are all tired from the weekend.  Well, I should say Ashley and I are tired.  Bode thinks Ashley and I are old because we go to bed so early (he is probably right :-)  Pleasant week to all.

Middle School Swim Meet

 The first middle school swim meet of the season was on Saturday.  Meigs swam against the Emerald Coast Middle School (ECMS).  I haven't seen the meet results, but I am pretty sure Meigs won because they simply had far more swimmers, which means more points in more events.  Bode swam great--he did the 50-butterfly and the 100-IM.  He also swam the lead-off leg of the 200-freestyle relay and was the butterfly leg of the 200-IM relay.  He swam very well--he posted a sub-30 second time in the 50-fly (29.99!)  

Middle school swimming is not as competitive as club swimming.  However, I do think Bode has a good time, as he is hanging out with his teammates for a few hours.  We took some pictures of the team warming up.  Here's Bode (bottom left) with a couple other kids and also getting ready to work on some starts.

The first swim was the IM-relay.  Here's Bode's leg--his butterfly is looking very good.
Bode's team won the relay; here's a shot of the team cheering as their final leg finishes.
The next event was the 50-fly.  Bode rocked this, although I did tell him that he is going to have to start racing the 100-fly now that he's 13.  He was not thrilled.  In the video, you can see that he does a great job staying underwater, which helps him conserve energy.
Bode did not have much time to rest between the fly and the IM.  Unfortunately, the video was very blurry, so I won't show it.  The final race was the 200-freestyle relay.  Here's Bode swimming the lead leg.
There is another swim meet next weekend.  Coach told Bode's team that this next school will be much more competitive, so they will need to bring their A-swims.  I'm sure we'll take more videos :-)  Pleasant week to all.