Sunday, August 23, 2020

Inanimate Objects

 This will be a rather dull post, as there are no pictures of people or dogs.  A week ago, Ashley and Bode were involved in a minor fender bender.  She was in her little rocket sled and got dinged by a dump truck loaded with sand.  I don't think anything happened to the truck.  Thankfully, Ashley and Bode were fine, but Ashley's little car took some damage.  Here are some pictures.

The red truck behind the fence in the picture below is what hit her.  Note it is full of sand.

Ashley's car was taken to the hospital, err, body shop on Monday.  They've been very responsive and hope to have everything finished by this Thursday.  Ashley has been in a deep funk, as she's been stuck driving the 2002 Xterra as opposed to her little rocket machine.

We've been trying to make the best of the COVID situation.  We've done a lot of goofy-golfing.  Yesterday was Bode's first total victory over Ashley and me.  Below is a picture of the score card.

UWF starts classes tomorrow.  I'm doing mostly online lectures, but I do have some labs that are face-to-face.  We will see how long those last, as many think it's only a matter of time before the university has to shut down and resort to everything being online.  Here's hoping.

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