Thursday, April 30, 2020


We've been enjoying some of the nice weather during out stays at home.  The other morning, Ashley and Bode went out for a paddle board.
I don't know if the dogs are big fans of not being allowed out on the dock...
Ashley's friend, Sandra, and her two daughters came over today for a BBQ and some waverunning.  Her daughters are 19 and 12, and they really had a good time out on the water.  Ashley and Sandra went out for a little spin.
After they had some fun, we had some food, for which Bode was ready.
Ashley and Sandra posed for a nice picture.
After we ate, the four gals went out again.  I stayed at home and watched the dogs.
The girls had a wonderful time tooling around the bayou.
The carriage house is really coming along, but I don't have any recent pictures.  I'll take some tomorrow and post them--it's not like I have anything else to do :-)  Pleasant day to all.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Easter and Other Things

We've been trying to stay busy in our isolation.  We did have Easter on Sunday; in preparation, we colored some eggs.
Barkley and Joey always seem to hang around the kitchen where there's stuff going on.
We busted out the vinegar, added the colored pills, and once the dissolving was done, we were ready to paint, err, dye.
We colored eighteen eggs.  I boiled two dozen, but six of them cracked during the process.  The big Easter bunny showed up on Easter Eve and hid the eggs outside.  Bode quickly found them all, with an assist from Mama.
We didn't do too much this week--more of the same of staying at home and trying to stay busy.  Bode did another pass-off for this trumpet and is sounding really great.
Bode and I also have been trying to get out and play badminton.  At some point we should put up a net, but I think the cars that drive on the road would get upset.
Bode and I got a little crazy and got our haircut.  A "friend" did it, so we feel much more like ourselves (all the pictures in this blog are pre-cut photos).

It's a wild Friday night here...maybe we'll see if Netflix has any recommendations.  Pleasant weekend to everyone.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Bode Duet

Below are two videos of Bode playing the same violin piece--top piece is the melody, bottom piece is the harmony.  Start the first one.  After the first note, start the second one.  You will need to get the second video cued up to right before Bode starts playing (just about three seconds in).
If you did it right, the pieces will end at the same time.  I'm impressed at how consistent Bode was with his tempo.

Swim Workout

Since the pools are all closed, Bode and I decided to do a little swimming in the bay.  At the end of our workout, Ashley did some filming.  Below are the movies.
Bode's been trying to work out almost every day...although he'd probably stay glued to the coach if he had his way.  He's been working hard at school and doing his music as well.  I think we're all starting to get a little bored and hope we only have a few more weeks of being home-bound.  Still, we've been safe and healthy, so for that, we are very grateful.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Significant Progress

The carriage house is shooting up.  As soon as we get windows (1-2 weeks), we'll be all sealed up from the elements (well, I guess we'll also need garage doors...)
Here are a couple other shots.  First, the outside...
and next, the interior.  The framed in part at the back is a shop-room for Ashley.  Note the stairs are in as well.
Finally, here's a shot of the second floor.
I did make a movie of me walking into the garage and up the stairs.  My narration certainly isn't Morgan-Freeman-esque...
Bode started his online school this week.  It's not bad--he gets up, does his lessons, and then he's ready for a solid day of youtube videos :-)  We've been making him exercise with us--sometimes he runs with me, sometimes he does workouts with Ashley.  Today, we rode bikes around the neighborhood and then down to Sonic.

Bode is also continuing his music.  He does his violin lessons over Zoom, and he's submitting his trumpet pieces via email.  Below is a movie of Bode doing his latest pass-off.
That's about it from here--we are doing fine and enjoying some good quality family time :-)  Pleasant week to all