Sunday, September 22, 2019

Last Day of Summer

We had a very nice weekend.  The mighty Auburn Tigers beat Texas A&M yesterday.  JoAnne and Frank came over, and we all watched together--so nice when Auburn wins :-)  I've been freezing the garden okra for JoAnne...we get three or four good-sized okra every other day...if only these were some type of berry...
Ashley and Bode went for a paddle board this was nice and calm, but still very warm.
Here are Ashley and Bode getting ready to launch.
A nice picture as they are heading out.
Finally, one more of them both on the water.
They had a nice time on the water.  They saw a lot of jelly fish, which are neat to see.  However, Bode fell in at one point, and was very afraid--he thought he was going to get stung.  It does hurt a little bit if you get stung, but Ashley said Bode acted like there was a swarm of circling sharks just waiting to get him :-)

The dogs do enjoy their time out in the yard.  There must have been something in a tree that was taunting Barkley.
Not sure why Joey was giving me the stink-eye...
We will probably watch a little football...of course, the dogs will probably take a nap.
Happy autumn to everyone.

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