Monday, July 8, 2019

Houston III

The big day finally arrived.  We all put on our best clothes and posed for some pictures.  Bode needs to tell us to move into the light because you can't really tell the below picture is of Ashley and me...of course, I could just say that Ashley is really tan, but we all know that to be a lie.
Bode and Charlie were all dressed up and just thrilled to be going to a wedding.
We even had to force David to stop working and come to the wedding...
The wedding was held in an old converted barn; we were worried it was going to be hot, but it was properly air-conditioned and quite pleasant.
The ceremony was short and sweet, and we headed to the reception.  Bode and Charlie were ready to eat.
Ashley got a picture of Bode with the lovely bride, but I was too slow to get over there, so I only got a picture of a picture of Bode with Chelsea.
I did manage to get a nice picture of Ashley and Penny.
These next pictures are of Bode dancing; I should have taken a movie.  The little man loves to dance (didn't get that from me), but he's not quite got the hang of what to do (got that from me).  But he had a blast on the dance floor, and I'm sure this will bode well for Bode when he starts going to the junior high dances.  In all pictures, Bode is the short guy in the white shirt in the middle.
After the wedding, we retired to Penny and Milton's for some final R&R.
We had a wonderful time in Houston and cannot thank Penny and Milton enough.  Thankfully they have two more daughters, so hopefully we'll get to do this real soon :-)  Pleasant week to all.

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