Sunday, March 3, 2019

The Garden Project

As you may recall, when we lived in Colorado, I built a nice little garden in the backyard.  Actually, I did this twice in Colorado--when we first lived there from 2000 - 2006 and then from 2012 - 2018.  I really enjoyed it, and the only reason we didn't do a garden in Ohio was our time was focused on the little dude (good times).  Now, every time I throw out old fruit, I feel like I'm simply throwing away good fertilizer.  Thus, I've decided to start growing some crops.

However, I can't plant quite yet.  We don't have a lot of sun in our backyard--all these d*mn trees :-)  We did have some trees taken out in the front yard before Christmas, and Ashley and I realized we could put some planter boxes.  This will be a bit of a process--need to move some dirt around, and then probably reroute the sprinkler system.  But I'm hoping in a couple months, Bode and I will be planting some seeds. 

Here are some "before" pictures...although it's not quite "before" since I have moved some of the dirt around.
The mounds of dirt are the future locations of the boxes.  We hope to put some sod down on the "paths" and then maybe a rock path down the left side that leads to the side of the house.  Hopefully a year from now we'll be harvesting the winter crop and readying for the summer :-) 

All is well here.  We played some tennis yesterday and Bode had orchestra.  We received the "enrollment in middle school" packet this week from Bode's school.  It is hard to believe in less than three months, Bode will be ready for junior high.  The dogs were elated.
Pleasant week to all.

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