Sunday, October 14, 2018

Some PRs

Bode had a swim meet this past weekend.  These are early starts--it's about a 30-minute drive to Destin, and the warmup begins at 0700.  Here's Ashley at the pool deck after we have set up our little tent.  Note she's wearing a UWF top.
Once he completed his warmup, Bode rests and stays focused by staring at his phone--he was very excited because Verizon gave unlimited data to gulf-coast users due to the hurricane.  He was thrilled that he could "watch youtube videos at the park."
He made us retake the photo because his hair wasn't done...
Here's a movie of Bode starting the 100-individual medley.  He's the third swimmer from the left.
Here's the finish of the 100-IM--he finished strong, and he had a best ever time of 1:30--coming in, his best time was 1:40.
Next is Bode doing the 50-free.  He is third from the bottom.  Note he is in third place at the turn.  If you watch to the very end, you will see that Bode caught and beat both boys that were ahead of him--he really turned it on at the end.
He had a PR of :35 seconds (coming in,his best time was 38 seconds).

He also swam on the relay team--I think he's the fastest swimmer on the B-relay team.  Bode is probably one of the faster "middle" swimmers--there are some boys that are just incredibly fast.  Bode is not with them, but I think as he ages, he'll improve.  I've noticed Bode still has some "baby fat" in his belly, while these are boys are somewhat lean.  Once he his puberty and starts growing, I think this fat will quickly turn into muscle...then again, he could simply watch youtube videos and put on a hundred pounds of chunk :-)

Today, Bode swam the 100-freestyle, the 50-back, and the 50-butterfly.   He had best times in all--1:21 in the 100-free (a 9-second improvement), :46 seconds in the back stroke (a very small improvement, but improvement nonetheless), and he swam the 50-fly in 0:45 seconds (an 11-second improvement).  Here's Bode doing the 50-fly--it's hard to believe there is a 200-yard fly race (but not until they are a little older).  Bode is the third swimmer from the left.
Bode and Ashley also took a goofy picture.
After the meet, Bode (I) was exhausted, so we came home and took a nap (well, I did).  Bode is off tomorrow from school, so I think Ashley is taking him to get his haircut.  All is back to normal after Hurricane Michael (for us--Panama City is still a mess from what we hear).  Pleasant week to all.

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