Sunday, September 16, 2018


Bode joined a youth orchestra.  He gets up early during the week and practices for 30 minutes, and then the who ensemble meets on Sundays for a 90-minute practice.  I'm very impressed with how hard he works.  I don't think I was waking up early to do anything when I was 10.  Here are some actions photos.  Note Bode just got a haircut yesterday, so he's looking sharp.
Here's a different view.
Finally a closeup--note the intense concentration.
We also took a movie; this is the group's second practice together, so they still have work to do.  Their winter concert isn't until December, so I'm sure they'll be sounding amazing by then.
The conductor (Ms Liz) is very good with the kids--very strict, but she really knows what she's doing.  Bode has a lesson once a week with her, and she'll let him know if he's not up to snuff (no false platitudes from her :-)

All is well here.  We've settled into the school year, and things aren't that much different than in Colorado, with the exception that I raked the yard last night from ~6 - 7 pm and was covered in sweat when I came inside.  I think the high today was 90+, and we also swam in the pool (bay) this morning, which we probably wouldn't be able to do in Colorado.  But come December, we probably won't be snow-skiing either ;-)  Pleasant week to all.

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