Sunday, May 13, 2018

Mother's Day

The days are passing by fast and furious.  It is already the middle of May, and we've had quite an eventful month.  To start, we had our last Broadmoor Brunch a couple weeks ago.  Per the usual, we got all dressed up and took some pictures.  Here's a nice one of Bode.
We also stopped to get some pictures in front of the hotel.  Note the warm weather--first time in months that Ashley's wedding-dress-white legs had seen the sun :-)
We all feasted on the meats and cheeses and shrimps and fishes.  Bode even tried the Banana's Foster, which he thoroughly enjoyed.
My Mom (Grammy) joined us for the meal.  Afterwards, we posed for some pictures by the lake.
The middle of May also means the end of the spring soccer season.  Bode's team "tried real hard" which is code for didn't win a lot of games :-)  But the boys were all very fun to be around and they seemed to have a good time, both at practice and the games, even though we were on the bad side of the score.  I got the boys trophies and handed them out yesterday.  Here's a team photo.
Next is a picture of Bode and Dylan.
Today is Mother's Day, which is also Ashley's last Sunday in Colorado.  To commemorate, we went on a 10-mile bike ride.  Here's Bode getting ready.
Next is a before-picture of Bode and Ashley.
Finally, an after picture of a boy and his Mom on her special day. 
We had a lovely afternoon.  We spent some time packing, and then Grammy came over for a chili dinner (forgot to take pictures).  Bode has nine more days of fourth grade, and I'm basically done at UCCS.  The clock is ticking--tick-tock-tick-tock--and we are in the Colorado endgame phase.  Lots to do, but also time to enjoy ourselves.  Pleasant week to all.

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