Sunday, April 8, 2018

Odds and Ends

April started with a visit from the Easter Bunny.  Bode, however, for some reason, thinks it was me that hid the eggs and brought him his Easter basket (Ashley was out of town).  I tried to convince him, but I don't know if I succeeded.  Still, the young master was all for going on the egg hunt.  Here's Bode finding a well-hidden egg.
The bunny hid 23 eggs, and we managed to find them all, unlike in other years when the bunny just hid them too well :-)

Bode's 4th grade class had a spring play/recital.  Last fall, we had the foresight to bid on front-row seats to the 4th grade recital at the silent auction of the fall carnival.  Thus, I had a great seat (Ashley was still out of town).  I took this first shot as the kids were entering--the little man leaning in the front is Bode's buddy, Tylen.
The songs were rather patriotic.  The first one was the 50-Nifty states, and I remember singing this song when I was in elementary school.  Bode seems to enjoy the singing, and he told me it was a lot of fun.
The concert was actually quite enjoyable.  Afterwards, they kids posed for pictures.
As our time in Colorado winds down, we realize we need to keep eating at the Broadmoor, as we have grown to love the Sunday brunches.  Here's a shot of Bode all dressed up--weather was very nice here this morning.
Per our usual behavior, we all feasted on the goods.  Bode has become quite the meat connoisseur, devouring some steak, salmon, red snapper, and leg-of-lamb.  He also had a couple helpings of the iced creams.
Afterwards, we went outside for some pictures.
Not much else exciting going on here--work, school, and practices.  Should keep us pretty busy.  Pleasant week to all.

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