Sunday, April 30, 2017

USAFA Swimming

The coach of the Air Force Academy's men's swim team, Rob Clayton, has some children that swim on the same club team as Bode.  For the past two years, Coach Rob has held a clinic with the Rapids and some members of the USAFA swim team (who, for the past two years, have won the Mountain West Conference Championships, so these guys are pretty good swimmers).  Friday night was this year's clinic, so we went and had some fun.  Here's a picture of Bode at the first station learning how to improve his streamline on turns.
Next is a movie of Bode practicing what he learned.
There was also a quick session on starts.  Bode's start is a bit tentative--I think he could explode a little better of the block, but I guess he is only nine... :-)
And of course the accompanying movie...
They also swam some fun relays, but I didn't get any real good shots of those.  At the end, the team posted for a group picture.  Bode is on the far left, second row.
We had a snow storm yesterday--we didn't get much accumulation, but it was cold, and I'm worried about the trees that were budding out so nicely.  It's forecast to warm up today, so I'm hopeful everything survived.  Pleasant day.

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