Sunday, February 26, 2017

Bode Superior

Bode participated in the Colorado Springs Music Festival.  He did this same festival last year, and the format was the same.  Bode had to memorize two pieces of music, and then provide the sheet music to the judges.  He then had to perform the music from memory in front of judging panel.  Yes, it seems a bit nerve-wracking, but Bode didn't show any signs of anxiety.  We were allowed in the room for the performance, but, like last year, there was a big sign on the door that say no recording of any kind was allowed.  Thus, we only have our memory of Bode's playing, which was exceptional--note perfect on both pieces and I also believe the dynamics were spot on.  Here's a picture of Bode with Mommy holding up the blue-superior ribbon.
Bode and I also got a shot together, but this was before he was awarded his Superior rating.  Note also how tall Bode is getting--just past Ashley's shoulder, which is just scaring the crap out of the both of us.
Finally, a close-up of the ribbon and certificate.
The festival is structured such that if you participate for three years in a row, and get a Superior for each performance, then you will be awarded a gold-cup.  Bode is very excited about this possibility, but we have told him he needs to keep practicing because next year's pieces will be that much harder.

It's the end of February, so this means it's time to get ready for the garden.  I spent some time putting up some lattice for the ever-growing raspberry bushes, and I also planted some seedlings.  I have planted pumpkins, melons, corn, and peppers.  Thus, far, only the corn and the melons have hatched, but it has only been seven days.  Here's hoping to continued good indoor-growing :-)
Work is going great (there's always one lie in each blog post)...but spring break is only four short weeks away.  Pleasant week to all.

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