Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Swim Meet

Bode competed in a swim-meet this past weekend.  He swam in five events:  the 100-yard relay (where each member of the team swam 25 yards), the 100-yard freestyle, the 50-yard backstroke, the 25-yard butterfly, and the 100-yard individual medley.  He did awesome.  Let me show you what he collected:
He would have had one more ribbon as well, but his old Dad failed him.  In the 100-IM, apparently you aren't suppose to do a flip-turn when you transition from backstroke to breast-stroke.  Before the race, I reminded him to "do his flip turns."  Sadly, my advice led to a DQ :-(.  Here are some pictures from the events.  First is Bode waiting for his leg in the relay race.
Next we have Bode in the ready position for the 100-yard freestyle.
He was 4th out of 12 or 13 eight-year olds.  The next event was the backstroke.  I took some rapid pictures and got the following sequence--note how he explodes into the water.  He also finished fourth in this race.
Finally, here are some action pictures of Bode during the IM.  He is in lane two, and you can make out his butterfly stroke in the first picture, and he's obviously doing the backstroke in the second picture.
It was a great meet.  The only problem was it conflicted with the Auburn game.  Ashley used up most of her data watching the first half of the Tiger-Commodore game on her phone.  Fortunately, the meet ended, and we were able to watch the fourth quarter at Jersey Mike's.  Auburn (thankfully) won, but had a key player get injured.  Hopefully he's healed for this weekend's matchup against hated Georgia.  Pleasant day and happy voting to all.

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