Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Garden Harvest

Yes, another garden update.  And yes, this might be construed by some as believing the McGuirks have little going on, which is probably a correct statement, but I don't think there is anything wrong with having a lazy summer.  In fact, with the start of USAFA classes tomorrow, I'm really startint to miss having nothing going on.  But that is a tale (complaint) for another day and another post.  For now, let's focus on the garden.  First, some peas.  I think I planted too many, and as Ashley pointed out, I should have staged them so they wouldn't all be ripe at the same time.  Last Saturday, I went out and picked a mess of peas (not sure what the correct term is for a large grouping of peas, and I'd have to open a Google window to find out, and that seems like far too much work).
I've also been eating my carrots.  I tried to take a picture of one the other day, but I think the flash on the countertop messed up the focus, resulting in just an orange blob.  I've been very pleased with my carrots--some have been really long, measuring close to a foot in length (this, of course, counts the long dangling root string off the end, so don't get too big a picture in your head).  The corn is really going to town.  I count four good-sized corn cobs growing on various stalks, and there should be six or seven more coming in very soon.  I hope the remaining days of August are warm; once we hit September, I think the corn is done, as the temperatures can get too low.
The tomatoes should be ripening up any day now.  I've close to 30 tomatoes on the four different plants.  They will probably all turn red on the same day, meaning I'll be bringing tomatoes to work with me.
Finally, I have my first sun-flower bloom.  I can't believe how tall these plants have grown.  I'm looking forward to seeing them all blooming at once.  I don't know what to do with the seeds--I've never been a fan of them, so if anyone wants fresh sun-flower seeds, let me know.  I think next year I'll take a picture of the same spot of the garden every day (or as often as I can), and then do a time-elapsed movie showing the garden grow from planting day to harvest.
Ashley and Bode are up in Breckenridge for some Mommy-Little Dude time.  Ashley traveled the start of this week, and she'll be gone all next week.  School (for Bode) starts the following week, so this is a great time for the two of them to get away.  Plus, the weather will be beautiful up there.  Temps were in the 90's here today.  Ashley called this evening, and said she hadn't even put on jeans yet, which is unusual for up there, as temps drop quickly after the sun goes down.  Forecast is the same for the next few days, so I'm sure they'll have a great time.  That being said, with them gone I can get a lot done, and by a lot, I mean nothing--I needs my down time :-)  Pleasant day to all.

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