Sunday, June 21, 2015

Father's Day

Summer has officially arrived, according to both the calendar and the thermometer.  The temperatures have pushed above 90 the past couple days, and we relented by turning on our air conditioning.  I had hoped to put this off until after the first of July, but the high temps forced us help destroy the ozone layer (although if Ashley had her way, we'd have the AC on in April).

About a week ago, we met up with Miss Jeanice for dinner at Gunther Tootie's.  We are sad to say Miss Jeanice will be moving on to bigger and better things (student teaching) and won't be able to be Bode's nanny this fall.  We knew this would happen, and we are very happy for Jeanice.  Still, we are sad because Bode (and all of us for the matter) had developed a great relationship with her.  Hopefully we will stay in touch.  Maybe she'll get a job teaching at Bode's elementary school :-)  The first picture is a cute one of Bode waiting patiently at the table.
We had a lovely dinner, and afterwards, Bode and Miss Jeanice posed for some pictures.  Rather than try to get a picture where Bode was smiling normally, as he tends to be rather goofy when we try to get a picture, I put the camera on Burst Mode, and just let it fly.  Below are the results.
We had a nice Father's Day.  Bode and Ashley woke up early and snuck out to get some donuts for breakfast (ever so healthy).  We then went for a swim before it got too crowded, lunch at the Waffle House, and then a day lounging around the house.  Ashley took a moment to snap a picture of Bode and me.
Little dude is getting taller (relatively speaking).  He's now pulling things out from the upper kitchen cupboards.  Very cool.  I've started riding my bike again--I've had to do something, since I'm only 10 days through my 30 days of no-impact activities on my foot.  Here's hoping it works :-)  Finally, we have two nice pictures of a boy and his dog.
Bode has really taken a liking to Joey.  He loves Harley too, but, "Joey plays more with me.  Harley just sits there."

With the increased temperatures, we hope to spend a few weekends up at the mountain estate.  Pleasant week to all.

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