Sunday, June 28, 2015

Time in Breckenridge

Ashley had three big proposals due this past Monday.  After getting them all in on time, she was ready for some rest and relaxation.  On Tuesday, Ashley, Bode, and Joey headed up to Breckenridge.  I worked on Wednesday, and then Harley and I headed up to the estate for a little time "away from it all."  We had a pretty good snow this past winter, and we also had a very wet May.  Combined, the result was the Blue River was flowing like I'd never seen it before.  No longer was it a nice gentle stream.  I certainly wouldn't want to try standing in this current.
On Thursday, we decided to check out the fun park at the base of Peak 8.  There were all sorts of activities (but it was a bit pricey if you ask me).  First up for us was the maze.  Bode wanted to check things out from the viewing area before we ran it.  Evidently he has a photographic mind which would help us out as we navigated through the maze, the whole time hearing Jack Torrance screaming, "DAAANNNNYYYY!" (a Shining reference).
We let Bode take point, and he got us through the maze in a quick five minutes.  I don't know what the record was, but the people before us took nine minutes to finish (although to be fair, they did have a four-year old).  Next up was the alpine slide.  We had to ride on one of the lifts to get to the top.  That's Bode and Mommy on the chair in front of me.  Note the three tracks below, which enabled the three of us to race down when we got to the top.
I had planned on taking movies on the ride down, but before starting, I realized I'd likely drop the camera.  Thus, the only shot is the three of us at the starting line.  Mommy beat us down, but she was in the fast lane.  Bode surprised me by keeping up and even passing me a few times.  Bode did the slide two more times on his own and loved it.

Next was a climbing wall, which we all tried.  Mommy and I made it to the top of the intermediate wall (the ratings were greatly exaggerated), while Bode tried the beginner line.  He got about halfway up, and then wanted to come down.
Bode panned for gold...
and then it was off to the kids' ropes course.  First task was getting fit with a helmet and safety harness. Then, he was ready.
He loved this, and ended up doing it four or five times.  Sadly, the weather rolled in, and the park had to close due to lightening.  Fortunately, we inquired about a rain-check.  Ashley and I both got our money back, while Bode was given some credit.  Thus, we plan to go back, perhaps when the Peterson's come for a visit in July.  The rest of the weekend was relaxing but also a lot of work.  Ashley and I cleaned up the yard, or at least tried to.  We also got the hot-tub working, complete with the rock waterfall.  Nights were cool and restful...with the exception of Joey, who, despite being up in the mountains, continued to wake at 0530 for his breakfast.  In a past life, Joey must have been a farmer.  We are back to work this week, but it's a short work week with the upcoming holiday.  Pleasant week to all.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Father's Day

Summer has officially arrived, according to both the calendar and the thermometer.  The temperatures have pushed above 90 the past couple days, and we relented by turning on our air conditioning.  I had hoped to put this off until after the first of July, but the high temps forced us help destroy the ozone layer (although if Ashley had her way, we'd have the AC on in April).

About a week ago, we met up with Miss Jeanice for dinner at Gunther Tootie's.  We are sad to say Miss Jeanice will be moving on to bigger and better things (student teaching) and won't be able to be Bode's nanny this fall.  We knew this would happen, and we are very happy for Jeanice.  Still, we are sad because Bode (and all of us for the matter) had developed a great relationship with her.  Hopefully we will stay in touch.  Maybe she'll get a job teaching at Bode's elementary school :-)  The first picture is a cute one of Bode waiting patiently at the table.
We had a lovely dinner, and afterwards, Bode and Miss Jeanice posed for some pictures.  Rather than try to get a picture where Bode was smiling normally, as he tends to be rather goofy when we try to get a picture, I put the camera on Burst Mode, and just let it fly.  Below are the results.
We had a nice Father's Day.  Bode and Ashley woke up early and snuck out to get some donuts for breakfast (ever so healthy).  We then went for a swim before it got too crowded, lunch at the Waffle House, and then a day lounging around the house.  Ashley took a moment to snap a picture of Bode and me.
Little dude is getting taller (relatively speaking).  He's now pulling things out from the upper kitchen cupboards.  Very cool.  I've started riding my bike again--I've had to do something, since I'm only 10 days through my 30 days of no-impact activities on my foot.  Here's hoping it works :-)  Finally, we have two nice pictures of a boy and his dog.
Bode has really taken a liking to Joey.  He loves Harley too, but, "Joey plays more with me.  Harley just sits there."

With the increased temperatures, we hope to spend a few weekends up at the mountain estate.  Pleasant week to all.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The Garden

If you recall, I spent a good part of last summer/fall working on a garden.  When I started the project, the garden area looked like this:
The above was what I considered "a detailed plan of the garden."  Much like a Da Vinci painting or a Mozart symphony, it was all in my head (yes, a bit of hyperbole there).  Note the soil--devoid of anything organic.  Thus, it was quite an ambitious endeavor.  I'm happy to report the garden is now producing edible vegetables.  We've only harvested lettuce and onions, but experts are predicting a bumper snow-pea crop, plenty of carrots and garlic, and maybe even some broccoli.  Below are some pictures.  First we have the entryway.  Quite a change compared to last summer.  The net has done a great job keeping the birds away.
There are some nice tufts of grass that grew at the entry.  The long-term plan is to plant grass in all the walkways.  However, this has to wait a bit, as there are some minor drainage problems that will require a little digging to fix.  Here are some closeups of the crops.
The above are pictures of the same box.  I ran some string between some poles to give the peas something to grab, as they are somewhat vine-like.  In the picture directly above, note how the second row from the left is a bit behind.  I don't know what happened--nothing grew here the first planting, but the second set of seeds has taken hold.  The far right is also a set of peas.  The second and third-from-the-right rows are corn, which is really starting to shoot up now that the weather has warmed.  The next box is probably the weakest of the four boxes.
There are four tomato plants (back side), two pepper plants, two pumpkins, some cucumbers, and some corn.  The tomatoes aren't doing so great.  I put them in the ground after 15 May, but we had some really cold weather the week of 18 May.  Everything survived, but I don't know how much fruit we will get.  Same for the pepper plants.  The bottom right of the box has been a disappointment.  I don't know if the soil is bad, or if it gets too much water, but I've had little luck getting anything to grow.  A few days ago, I tilled up the soil and threw down a ton of corn seeds in no real order just to see if something will take.  Here's hoping.  Note the large corn stalk in the middle left.  Bode grew that at school in a plastic cup, and we then transplanted it to the garden.  I was amazed how well corn did in a little 8-ounce cup.  I plan to start my corn next year inside so it will be beyond the just-budding stage come June.  Next we have the box of the (mostly) perennials.
The top two plants are blueberries, the middle two plants are raspberries, and the bottom right plants are strawberries.  Much like the tomato plants, I planted these at the correct time (according to the Almanac), but then they all got smashed by hail.  Fortunately, they have recovered, and there are new leafs and blooms on everything.  Plus, the bottom left is a bunch of sun-flower plants, and I think there is a stray cucumber or two.  I'd love for the raspberries and blueberries to really take hold and eventually take up the entire box, but we are a few years from that happening.  The final box is going quite well.
The lettuce has really taken off--I've had lettuce every day with my lunch, and it's quite tasty with some blueberries or raspberries (both store-bought I'm afraid).  To the right of the lettuce is some broccoli, which is going well.  There is also some early-garlic, carrots, and some onions that are ready for the eating.  I'm not sure why the carrots took so long to grow.  I planted them the same time as the lettuce, but they didn't start until three or four weeks later.  Maybe I planted them too deep.

Not much else going on here.  I'm off work for a couple days.  I had a procedure on my foot, that will hopefully eliminate my planar fasciitis.  I do have quite a limp right now, but that should go away.  I can't do any type of impact activity for one month, so come July, I'm sure I'll be bouncing off the walls., but if that is what it takes to be pain free, I'm all for it.  Pleasant day to all.