Sunday, February 22, 2015


Bode is really into Legos.  He''s very good at following the directions and getting all the pieces in the right places.  At Christmas, he received a bunch of little figures, and he promptly put them all together.  Sometimes, he'll sit for hours working on a design.  We've been feeding this hobby by buying various sets.  He's very into the Lego Star Wars, so we recently purchased Jabba's Flying Sail Barge, which had 750+ pieces.  I think Ashley really liked Legos when she was young (and even now for that matter), so the two of them have some great Mommy-Son time.
Here's a cute movie of Mommy and Bode giving a tour of the completed design.
All is well in Colorado Springs.  In another week, we should be able to announce the first of two major happenings in the McGuirk world.  Tune in next week, same Blog-time, same Blog-channel (I wonder if today's generation gets that reference).  Pleasant week to all!

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